Home > 2 more days

2 more days

August 26th, 2006 at 01:31 pm

I've got 2 more days until school starts, and I'm getting more and more antsy. I just really wish I had my bio book! The good news is that I got my paycheck yesterday, and I'm not in the red anymore! I actually made $50. My boss messed up the first month or so that I worked with payroll, so I owed my restaurant money. The good news is that it comes out of my paychecks rather than my tips, so I'm still making a nice chunk of change. Having money on my paycheck just means that I made crap for tips that week. haha. Taxes... Either way. So I have that unanticipated $50, not to mention I volunteered to work (on my DAY OFF) as a hostess, so I'll get my tips from that today. And I've got a double to work today. Tomorrow me, 2 of my coworkers, the bf, and my boss decided we wanted to go grocery shopping together. I'm desparate. I am almost out of everything I eat. haha. And once school starts, I'm gonna pack lunches. No use in spending way too much money eating out becuase I'm on campus. I used to do that at my old university. Then after grocery shopping, my coworker wanted to have a picnic. It sounds like fun for sure. Hope the weather holds up. And then tomm night we have band practice, but it cant run TOO late cause I've got class at 8am on monday morning. woo!

I already paid my rent, electric, and cell bills for Sept. So everything is great with that. No worries. I do, however, have to buy a bus pass for sept- discounted through the university. woo! And I also have to renew my membership to the YMCA... which thankfully, is also highly discounted through my university. So that's another $35 for the semester. I haven't gone in a week or so and I'm wondering if I should just forget about it and use the REC center at the university, but me and a coworker have been going together, and I cant get her into the REC. Either way...

I wish the bank was open up here. I need to deposit my paycheck! My bank is super-stupid about that. All banks should be open on saturdays! :/

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