Home > MOMA


August 20th, 2007 at 04:09 am

Besides the one that a few others have mentioned (recording every penny you spend/make/etc), I think my personal MOMA is quit making excuses and take responsibility. I always told myself that the reason I couldn't save was because I had too much to pay for, too little time to do more, etc etc etc. Most people look at thier finances as out of thier own control and willpower. When you finally find a way to say no and not make up an excuse, you'll be doing much better. Now. I need to keep following that advice... Wink

5 Responses to “MOMA”

  1. Broken Arrow Says:

    What the heck is MOMA?!

    That said, yes, I was talking to a friend earlier tonight, and he too had plenty of reasonable-sound excuses, but the bottom line is plain as day: No money saved and invested means no money saved and invested.

    There is a time for thought, but there is a time for action as well. And that time is here and now.

  2. Pinyo Says:

    PJmama, thank you for that great advice. Yes, some people think the entire world is against them and blame everything on the society, when in fact, they do not apply themselves. Although, I DO agree that some are not given enough opportunities.

    Broken Arrow - MOMA is acronym of "My One Money Advice". It's a meme that I started this Saturday to promote financial responsibility using the combined power of bloggers. You can see more detail here:

    If you have a blog, please feel free to jump in.

  3. Ima saver Says:

    I talked to a lady just last week who said there was no way she could even save a penny. She and her husband both smoke, have several large dogs, cats and several horses. He home belonged to her grandparents, so she has it free and clear. Figure that one out??

  4. fern Says:

    It's all about personal responsibility, and too many people don't want to stand up to the plate and hold themselves accountable. It amazes me, sometimes.

    Like if GM goes down the drain, why should my tax dollars go to prop up an inefficient car brand? Like if people were stupid enough to buy sub-prime mortgages, why should my tax $$ bail them out?

  5. boomeyers Says:

    I still have trouble with this one. I just have to kick myself in the boo-tay and suck it up!!

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