Home > Summer classes PAID OFF!

Summer classes PAID OFF!

August 16th, 2008 at 05:26 pm

Finally, the moment of glory has come. My summer classes are all paid off. Thus, I can go into the university and put in a form, pay a fee, and register for my classes. Things are finally coming together.

In other news, BF and I opened that joint checking account today. So we're on our way to having a system down. I'm quite thrilled. I made some stellar money this week at work, so hopefully I'll have a little to contribute to it.

I've been going a little off-budget in the last week or so. All in food and dining out. Always the culprit... However, other than that I've been really good. I just need to cook more. For someone who loves to cook as much as I do you'd think that wouldn't be a problem, but I've been spending too much on food at work again. And everywhere else.

A new week is starting soon, however, so things will get a fresh new start. I'm excited to register for my classes. I feel a bit accomplished that I've almost got everything set. It brings me closer to graduation and a job, so I'm doubly pleased Smile

Good and bad news: BF may not be going to Iraq afterall. Good news is that he likely will not be going (at least not this year). The bad news is that he really wanted to go, so I feel bad in some respect. It would have been great for him financially, and he wanted to experience it. There is opportunity for him to go with his own unit in 2010, however. So things still may end up going down that road. In the mean time, he's got some stuff to think about in terms of what he wants to do with his future and all that.

So anyhoo. I'm going to cut this here. Too much rambling and all. I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

2 Responses to “Summer classes PAID OFF!”

  1. sillyoleme Says:

    You're not the only one going over budget on food! GEEZ... this month has been horrible for us.

    Congrats on the joint checking, looks like things are definitely coming together for you guys. Good luck registering for classes!

  2. boomeyers Says:

    Hooray for getting everthing paid off! Great job!

    You don't cook, because you are so busy! Maybe one time that you have time off, you could pre-prepare some meals to cook when you are in a hurry. Or make a lasagne or something and freeze it in individual portions. Just a thought!

    My friends husband would trade with your BF in a heartbeat!! He was supposed to have retired months ago from the service, but they won't release him and he is about to get sent over to Iraq for the THIRD time!! Believe me, he does NOT want to go! Frown Very frustrating for their whole family

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