Home > A not so good night at work... quite a rant, actually.

A not so good night at work... quite a rant, actually.

October 22nd, 2006 at 04:49 am

I just didn't win tonight. Not one break. Zilch. Let me expain:

I work at a japanese restaurant. It's pretty upscale. We get fairly busy on saturday nights. Tonight's recap...

The first table of the night: 5 highschool girls. Not only do they take a half an hour to decide what they want, but they all (as predicted) only ordered one sushi roll each. This is like going to an applebees or fridays and only ordering a small cup of soup. So okay, not a huge check, but to top it all off, they tipped me far less than %10. It gets better.

Customers who I happen to like came in. They had a big intricate order that seemed okay when I put it in, until the kid's, along with the dad's sushi had wasabi in it (very spicy, I would never feed it to a child...) When I took it back to the sushibar to get it fixed, I realized where the communication error had occured (we just got a new POS system), but my flustered coworker instead decided to get an ultra-attitude with me and I had to bite my tounge-hard- to keep myself from saying things forbidden to be said in front of customers. Oh, it gets better.

While serving shabu shabu (a very complicated setup involving a portable stove burner, a pot of stock, plates of veggies and beef, various sauces), my hostess and close japanese friend hands me a check for a new table and explains to me that the 2 people are a bit strange and she decided to give me the table because she thought I, as an american, was better suited to deal with the weirdos. WHAT?? It wasn't even supposed to be my table, and I was already swamped.

So a little more than peeved, I went smiling to deal with the crazies. She wasn't kidding. For an upscale restaurant, these people looked WAY out of place. Not to mention, the woman had serious OCD. Not like I'm speculating and making fun of the situation. She really had obsessive compulsive disorder. The repetition, the germ-phobia, the meticulous routine. The whole nine. Now, if I was in my school state of mind, as a psych major, this would have been cool. But you can only tell a person so many times that thier sushi cannot be cooked before you want to jab your eyes out. And the man she was with seemed to not get the concept that the japanese restaurant he was sitting in did not indeed serve chicken sandwiches OR fish sandwiches. On top of it all, they tipped me $1. I had to remind myself to breathe a few times tonight.

Aside from all that, my blood sugar started acting up mid-shift... I felt weak and shaky, but didn't really have time to stop and eat anything. I really need to get those shoes, too. My feet are still killing me. And to top it all off, I made on average $60 less than everyone else in my shift. And I was there the longest. Whew!

Needless to say, I stopped by the convenience store to buy some orange juice... I had some peach absolut just calling my name. I'm enjoying my well-deserved cocktail for the evening and looking forward to my day off tomorrow...

8 Responses to “A not so good night at work... quite a rant, actually.”

  1. carol Says:

    You poor baby. That's what I call a really bad night. Hope you unwind and enjoy your well deserved day off.

  2. rduell Says:

    I used to waitress and had those days quite often. Very frustrating! I hope your next shift goes better.

  3. Carolina Bound Says:

    Serving is hard work, and I really admire those who do it well. Hope you have some good days and good customers to offset the bad ones.

  4. Carolina Bound Says:

    Tried to delete this second entry, but couldn't. Sorry, I'm having computer issues.

  5. yummy64 Says:

    That sounds like a horrid night. I hoped the fuzzy navel helped and that your next shift is both smooth and brings high tippers without any accompanying phobias, obsessions or weirdness.

  6. Thrifty Ray Says:

    wow...Ive never been a waitress, but I sure have respect for those who are. Sorry to hear about your night and the lack of generosity of your customers. Hopefully this was the exception and not the rule!!

  7. pjmama Says:

    Thanks for all the sypmathy, guys! It mas much appreciated!

  8. tinapbeana Says:

    good job keeping your cool, it's hard to do in situations like that.... all the women in my family have waited at some point, and we've decided it should be a required highschool course. teaches a lot about math, work ethic, common courtesey, plus chances are everyone would tip better if they'd been on the other side of the table!

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