Home > Eating good vs. spending less

Eating good vs. spending less

November 20th, 2006 at 02:23 pm

I'm afraid eating healthy is going to have to win this one. I took a look in the mirror the other day after putting on a pair of pants that are quite a bit too snug... got the "sausage" effect my mother so loves to remind herself of (ugh). But besides the fact that I've gained a little extra padding, I'm a bit uncomfortable with it, and my sedentary lifestyle is by no means healthy. The only excercise I get is at work, which dont get me wrong, can be a workout some times. The term "exercise" hasn't graced my vocabulary, however, since before the start of the semester.

As for food, I've been eating whatever, and as much as I want. Now, people tell me I'm young, and yes I know that, but my metabolism has slowed down a great deal in the last couple of years, and I'm struggling with it. I've always eaten a lot. Since I started eating I've eaten a lot, and up til the point where I graduated high school, I was incredibly thin as well. Not anorexically thin, but a nice athletic build. Thunder thighs or none, I looked good. Now, the idea of kicking a 20 year long eating habit, ha! I need a little help there.

I signed up for the reach your goal plan for a few reasons. A) It's a place online to input all workouts and meals I do/consume. B) It's got meal plans all set up for me that I can loosely work with. C) I find it fun that I can follow a set of rules, and it keeps me from straying from them. D) The recipes they give you look really good, and I love to cook.

Now, I'm not going on the food exactly because it will, in fact, break my budget. However, I will be going to the store today to purchase some healthier alternatives to the crap I'm eating right now, and I'll also be heading off to the gym today for the first time in 3 months.

It always kills me that it takes about 3 months of constant exercise and eating well to lose the same number of pounds it takes you 1 to gain. Ugh. At any rate, I'm going to enjoy my shopping trip and my trip to the gym. I've got the week off, so I'll have some time to hit the gym, and next semester I've got no early early classes, allowing me plenty of time to keep up the good work come the spring semester. Later guys!

8 Responses to “Eating good vs. spending less”

  1. jodi Says:

    Good luck! I just took off a few troublesome pounds myself. The hard work will be worth it!

  2. tinapbeana Says:

    re: the sausage effect: my mom and sister call it the 'muffin top' syndrome (imagine a muffin right where it meets the muffin cup) Big Grin  

    in argentina, it's called 'chichas' i guess the point i'm trying to make in a roundabout fashion is that some things are constant no matter who you are or where in the world you live. good luck!

  3. yummy64 Says:

    I always figure good quality healthy food is cheaper than having to replace your wardrobe! Way to go with starting to eat healthier and exercise more. I'm facing the same battles and have found that there is no such things as having time, one just has to do it *sigh*.

  4. pjmama Says:

    Thanks for all the support! It's nice to have encouraging souls backing you up! I'm off to the grocery store! Smile

  5. paigu Says:

    Very inspiring! Especially with this being the "eating season." Hope you find an exercise routine that you love, and remember to drink lots of water.

  6. janH Says:

    Good eating habits eventually also leads to less medical bills. At our age, we have to watch cholesterol, blood pressure and sugars, hormones in the food, etc. Never too early to start taking care of yourself. So far, we get our test results and adjust the bad parts of our diets to get back under control. But it is always a wake up call to see something on the list of noted items! Good for you for taking care of yourself!

  7. kealina Says:

    good for you for taking the initiative... maybe that will help motivate me when i'm sitting and wanting to avoid excercise.

    "my metabolism has slowed down a great deal in the last couple of years, and I'm struggling with it. I've always eaten a lot. Since I started eating I've eaten a lot, and up til the point where I graduated high school, I was incredibly thin as well. Not anorexically thin, but a nice athletic build. "

    this is pretty much how i was too and now even though i've started to watch my diet and eat healthy it i still have a last 10 lbs or so of fat that i need to work on... it's wierd because i weigh the same as always only i've lost muscle and gained fat... in fact, i wouldn't mind weighing more than i do now if it could be muscle and i could be strong and healthy...

  8. pjmama Says:

    I'm the same way. I got on the scale today thinking I was about 10 pounds heavier than I am... I think it has a lot to do with the fact that I stopped excercising for a while. I've been about 130 since the summer after graduation, but I'm looking to be closer to 120, like I was in highschool Smile or even 125, just a bit slimmer. Really, I just want to get rid of the padding on my sides and trim down my thighs a bit. They've always given me trouble... Smile

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