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$20 challenge and other adventures

January 30th, 2007 at 10:35 pm

So I must make this quick...

I took my biscotti to the coffee shop today. 70 peices this time. He gave me $35. I'm taking half of it to the challenge. I also got my first check ever from a survey company. $4 for one survey aint bad...

Today thus far has been a no-spend day. I went to the bank to deposit my challenge money as well as some money I've made over the last couple days. I got the bank fees taken care of on my account. Things are finally getting back to normal... after I got home, I transferred my challenge money to my emigrant account... so that should go through tomorrow. I also paid $175 toward my student loan/interest.

So I'm back down to having no expendable money until tonight after work. Let's hope it's busy! I'm going to lunch/dinner with a friend tomorrow. That should be fun. I'm going to attempt to make it low-cost. We're both pretty tight on the budget as it is, so I'm sure it wont be a problem Smile At any rate, everyone have a great night!

Challenge Total: $127.78

3 Responses to “$20 challenge and other adventures”

  1. Amber Says:

    Congrats!!!!!!!looks liker things are going wellfor you, in regards to your biscotti; that is awesome

  2. LuckyRobin Says:

    You know, I am so glad you had something good (the new Biscotti Business) to offset the bad that happened earlier on and that your spirit is doing so well nowadays.

  3. MarthaAnn Says:

    Good for you.
    Just go for 1 day at a time. I admire that so much.
    Do you LOOK for surveys to complete or do they just happen to come your way?


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