Home > So-so day

So-so day

May 22nd, 2007 at 04:35 am

So I've for the most part gotten to the point that I'm okay with my friend and her aforementioned actions... I dont think I'm going to say anything. I've never been one to have the balls to fess up to being angry with good friends.

I do want to mention, however, that this is not the first time in recent history that she has brushed me off. And that is more why I was upset than anything. I've been blown off and for the most part ingnored for quite some time. It was a frustrating situation even before the wedding ordeal, it just really hit home, if you know what I mean.

Aside from that, it was a no-spend day. I played my game for a while, then went outside and read. Worked and made barely any money. It was a relaxing night, however, and my coworkers all seeemed to be in great moods, so I have no reason to complain. I'm hoping to get to the grocery store tomorrow. I made out a list today. I also need to stop by the post office and pick up 2-cent stamps (I forgot who confirmed my suspicions that postage rates increased, but thanks!) to mail off my bills. Other than that, I think more reading is in my future. And more work. hehe. Hopefully I'll make more than $22 tomorrow!

At any rate, everyone have a great day/night!

1 Responses to “So-so day”

  1. reflectionite Says:

    mmmm, it's a good idea to cool down and weigh up whether you should say anything. quite some time ago i was invited to my friends daughters 3rd birthday, and a lot of my old school friends where there. i tried to talk to them but they snobbed me, and when my friend asked me to go to her other daughters' birthday party i told her (after a lot of thinking about it!!) that i didnt want to go because i felt really uncomfortable last time, and that i didnt want to be in that situation again. well! didnt i say the wrong thing?! i got an angry letter back where she said it's not about me it's about the kids, and that SHE went to her god daughters party even though she didnt like anyone there. then she went on to say that it was my fault that the friends snobbed me because i never kept in contact with them (actually i did) and then said that it was fine that i didnt go but dont expect her to go to anything thats important to me!
    i think the moral of my whingy tale is; although you're intentions might be good and you may want to keep everything honest and open with your friend, sometimes it might be best to suck it up and approach it another time Smile heh. wow that was a big long rant to a stranger on the other side of the globe! hope it helped in some way or other... anyway Smile

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