Home > Long day...

Long day...

November 2nd, 2006 at 05:27 am

So I worked a double today, and unfortunately did not get away with a no-spend day. Beyond my lack of willpower, the chefs made this not so great rice with half-cooked egg soup that I'm not too horribly fond of. I made 2 separate trips to the coffee shop in the mall. The first trip was spent trying to convince myself to get the banana instead of the glazed doughnut, but rationality obviously didn't prevail. The second trip involved a cheese wrap that was really good but too much food. So I definitely spent some food. $1 for the doughnut and $3.25 for the wrap. At any rate, tomorrow is my long day, which involves lunch with my classmate in the cafeteria. woo!

At any rate, happy first of the month, kiddos! Wish me luck on my french exam tomorrow!

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