Home > Video Game...

Video Game...

November 3rd, 2006 at 03:42 pm

Well, it's my day off. I talked to BF yesterday about what he wanted to do, and we decided on going to best buy. He plays this silly game called world of warcraft... it's incredibly popular among kids my age (and younger). It's one of those games that millions of people can play together online. He spends a bit of time playing this game.

Now, I've watched him play, and it's pretty cool... kind of a pseudo fantasy game (knights, wizards, etc) and I think I'll like it. Not to mention, if we play together it could be a nice activity with relatively low cost after it's purchased (you have to purchase an account that is so much money a month to participate in the online thingy). Me and BF dont go out a whole lot during the winter, and it'll be even less this year because we dont have a car, so I've decided to buy this game and see what all the hubbub is about.

It's $20 and comes with a free trial month of the online play-time. So not too bad at all.

Last night, I bought a pizza for me and BF because he paid for my bottle of wine. But the poop-head bought a meat lovers! I thought he was getting a hawaiian pizza, so I was horribly dissapointed. He did offer to buy me lunch today because of his "changing of his mind last minute." Let's hope he holds up on that offer!

Perhaps I could shop around for some xmas gifts as well today... ooo fun! I love xmas shopping!

Aside from all that, I've got no news! Just trying to enjoy my day off... I was in great need. Later guys!

7 Responses to “Video Game...”

  1. Broken Arrow Says:

    When I saw you mention "World of Warcraft", I just had to let out a good belly laugh. MMOs can be extremely addicting, but I admit that it can also be a fun way to interact.

    My ex and I used to enjoy playing games together. We used to sit right next to each other while planning strategies about what to do next. But I digress.

    On behalf of all the guy gaming geeks out there, We Salute You! Big Grin

  2. tinapbeana Says:


    age of empires, sim, MYST!!!! i worked at an internet startup before the tech bubble burst, when the coffee and mountain dew flowed freely, and folks would LAN/MUD all night long once the shipments were out the door, using the T1 to the best of their advantage... go figure, we sold RPGs *snort*

    *end flashback*

    enjoy your games, PJM!

  3. Broken Arrow Says:

    Tina, let me just go and ahead and state that I am supremely jealous of your unfettered access to a T1... as well as the bottomless cups of caffeine. Back in the day, I would have killed to have something like that. Well, ok, maybe not kill, but perhaps maim. Just a little. Big Grin

    I used to be addicted to MUD. It was bad enough that it caused my grades to drop. I even attempted to start my own server! Suffice to say, I learned the hard way the addictiveness of gaming in general. It's also that same experience that is exactly why I refuse play any MMOs.

    I still dust off Age of Empires from time to time, but I was a huge online multiplayer FPS fan back in the day....

    Now I'm trying to go next to cold turkey. Big Grin

  4. Lau Says:

    ** flashback ** Age of Empire... Warcraft III... Civ III... Civ IV... Oh but wait, that's no flahsback. I still play those games. Big Grin I never did catch on the online thing though. DH has his wrestling (yuck!) and I got my games on Friday nights. Although tonight I've decided to read through PF's blogs.

  5. pjmama Says:

    hehe. I'm so glad to have spawned so many flashbacks! All of my friends play MMO's, and I just finally gave in (I'm more the bookworm type), but I've vowed not to let my grades drop! heh. So far, I've played for a little bit and I'm really enjoying it. What brings a couple closer than the killing off of sabertooth tiger things??

  6. tinapbeana Says:

    "What brings a couple closer than the killing off of sabertooth tiger things??"

    um, i think i'm gonna have to invoke the 5th on this one! *g*

  7. Broken Arrow Says:

    Oooh, oooh, I vote for the Entanglement Spell. Big Grin

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