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Bad day yesterday.. hope this one is better.

December 8th, 2009 at 01:35 pm

So I had a pretty down day yesterday. It seems nothing was going right. Overall just felt I was in a funk, and then everything started happening. Apparently I need an E-Check done before I can get plates for my car... so that was a useless trip to the DMV. Then I for some reason didn't have the right pin at the ATM... then I needed to take the car for E-Checking, and the heat wouldn't heat up... it was just one thing after another. I gave up.

My amazingly sweet BF did bring me flowers Smile That was incredibly nice of him, just because I was having a bad day. And he took me out for Mexican. What a great boy!

I did find the pin for my card... I forgot I've only used the ATM once since I've had it... got money out and ran it to my mechanic friend, who is ordering the parts to my car. woot.

I'm hoping today is less stressful than yesterday. I have to figure out this whole car situation, and I have to tutor tonight, though I dont know how I'm getting there. Thinking I may have them come here. Or just cancel it altogether, though I would much rather not. I need the money now more than ever.

Christmas is sneaking up on us quick! Admittedly, I am so not in the spirit. I've hardly thought about it. Yesterday I did for about a minute, because it was snowing. That's about it. It's kind of depressing, but what can ya do? It's been harder every year for me to feel Christmas-y. Perhaps it's an adult thing? I really just feel headache, and present buying. And I'm not really doing any of that, either.

Got the best friend something, have to find something for my mom. Small, but something she can open. And BF is getting hockey tickets. He's buying me a nose piercing, so I'm getting that done next week. Right after drill, so it has time to heal prior to me changing it to the clear spacer for drill next month. I'm not supposed to wear them with my uniform... but I dont want it to close up.

And I will be getting my hair done on my budget next week as well. It's a regular christmas makeover. lol. I haven't had the hair cut or colored since 4th of July weekend, so I dont mind forking over the cash. I really only get it done a couple times a year.

Either way, I'm going to attempt to get the car E-checked, and have a somewhat stressless day. Let's hope I succeed!

Everyone have a good one!

4 Responses to “Bad day yesterday.. hope this one is better. ”

  1. Broken Arrow Says:

    How very nice of him! Hope you have a better day today.

  2. dmontngrey Says:

    I'm feeling the same way about Christmas this year. I feel like a scrooge but I just DON'T CARE. Not one bit.

  3. frugaltexan75 Says:

    How sweet of your bf. Smile I hope your day went better today.

  4. DeniseNTexas Says:

    Was today better? I hope so!

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