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Shopping Day

October 20th, 2006 at 05:12 pm

Okay, so today is my shopping day. I'm on a mission to get a couple people off my xmas list, among other things. What I need to get today:

Yarn to finish BF's Gram's scarf (xmas)
$10 build-a-bear giftcard (xmas)
New work shoes
Pick up my laptop(apple has had it for 3 weeks!)
The Audacity of Hope (40% off coupon at Borders!)
Coconut Mocha coffee creamer

I think that about covers it. Let's hope I break a good deal on the shoes! They are sorely needed...

Great (money making) day at work!

October 19th, 2006 at 08:15 pm

So yesterday I made a ridiculous amount of money at work. It was nice for the financial aspect, but a bit stressful, and I didn't get a chance to study for my bio exam. I did end up skipping my first class to study, though, and I think I did a good job. So let's cross our fingers... as for that money, $50 of it went to my savings account, the rest went to my checking, but then I put another $50 on my loan. That puts my principle under what it was originally, so there's a step forward! I also sold one of the books I listed on amazon, so there's $2 I wouldn't have had. I picked up some coin rolls at the bank, so I'm gonna start attacking my coin jar soon. I cant believe october is almost over! Tomorrow is a shopping day. I really need to buy new work shoes, and the yarn I need to finish BF's gram's scarf for Xmas. Then a build-a-bear gift certificate for my sister, and a book I got a 40% off coupon for at Borders (I was going to buy it either way, so it was a pleasant surprise when they sent me a coupon via email). At any rate, that's all I have for today! Just trying to save up for next semester and pay some of my loan off now... And yay for doing well on my exam! In case anyone wanted to know, I got a 98% on my psych exam on monday! Woo!

Such a rainy day!

October 17th, 2006 at 07:36 pm

I got up to go to class this morning and it was pouring. I put on my new boots, busted out the new umbrella, and was still soaked when I got to class. I have to walk circa 25 minutes, and it was raining so hard! My feet were soaked for 4 hours... a little pruny... Gotta put my boots in the dryer! sheesh. And I was so cold and tired in between classes that I bought another coffee and a breakfast sandwich. I needed something warm! At any rate, that was about $4 spent on what I thought was going to be a no-spend day. Tomorrow... tomorrow I will triumph!

Mid-month Assessment... hehe.

October 16th, 2006 at 05:30 pm

Alright, so I asked the question last night, "where did all my money go??", and today I actually counted it up, item by item.

Money Earned thus far this month: $680.49
Money spent this month:
Groceries: (budgeted) $40 - (spent) 47.81 => -$7.81
Food on campus: $65 - 22.52 => $42.48
School expenses: $10 - 8.22 => $1.78
Loan interest: $65 - 50 => $15
Perscription: $25 - 25 => $0
Eating out: $0 - 99.44 => -$99.44
Entertainment: $0 - 0 => $0
Misc: $50 - 33.03 => $16.97
Transport: $54 - 59.06 => -$5.06
Clothes: $0 - 32.96 => -$32.96
Xmas Gifts: $0 - 8.51 => -$8.51
Salsa classes: $30 - 0 => $30

Budget: $47.55 over
Earned - spent:$293.94

Soooo... I'm a little over budget at this point, but the good news is that I really didn't budget ENOUGH... so it's not so much a matter of me spending too much, it's a matter of forgetting that I need to factor things like Xmas money and transport outside of my zone, and clothes (especially since the colder months are upon us). I need to refrain, however, from eating out for the rest of the month. Going out of town that weekend really killed it, but in actuality, I budgeted in only $50 for eating out, entertainment, clothes, and misc items... not a whole lot there. At all.

At any rate, spending for the day was on a book from amazon (and here I'm talking about not spending money, sheesh!), but it was only $5.28... not too bad, and it's the one actual splurge I made outside of going to restaurants. The only want thus far this month. I'm not gonna be too hard on myself. But no more grocery shopping!!! Well, except for milk and bread and whatnot... I really need to eat up what's in my freezer, cupboards, etc. We have so much food! It's just hard for me to not grocery shop... it's my favorite activity! hehe. I am happy to say, though, that last night I cooked dinner using only things we had already, and the only purchase I made for dessert was a box of baking soda for a dollar. So go me! Tonight will be the same. And I made my run to the bank, and realized that I left the remaining $4.01 in my pants pockets, so it didn't get deposited. I instead put it in my change jar for the end of the month savings. Figured my Sobe Bottle needed some paper products... hehe. Well, now to studying!

A little spending here...

October 15th, 2006 at 10:20 pm

... and a little spending there. But nothing too frivolous. Me and BF went to lunch today at Aladdin's, our favorite restaurant. I ended up spending $13 on that. Then we stopped at Burlington Coat Factory because I absolutely NEED new work shoes. My feet stand at a slant on level ground because I've worn them down so badly. I have no direct access to a wal-mart, so on to Burlington I went. The bad news is I couldn't find any work shoes, but the good news is that I found boots- an item that I've been looking for for a couple months now. I've held off buying until I found the perfect ones, and so I succeeded today. Yay! They were exactly what I was looking for, and they were only $20! I live in a cold, river valley city, and without a car, walking in the winter is going to be a bit chilly! I also looked at sweaters (because I dont have very many) for the season as well and found a cute one for $10. Not too shabby. So yes, did a little spending, but like I said, nothing dreadful or silly. I'm really happy I found those boots! Well, better get studying now. Later!

A conjumble... 12 hour workday. Whew!

October 15th, 2006 at 05:11 am

That's right, I said it, a 12 hour workday. No fun... I've had a lot going on, and there's been a lot of transaction-ing this weekend. Yesterday was my study day, and I'm happy to say I got much done. I commend myself on the great amount of time management I've done. Budget-wise I've let go a bit... it's my happy week and I did a little impulse grocery shopping- which ended up in a bar of chocolate and about 5 cans of soup, for some reason. hehe. Today was a bit different, though the sweets cravings raged on and I gave into a delicious starbucks applestreudel cake. I also took a visit to the bargain bookstore in the mall I work in. I found a couple things I can give away at Christmas time. A cutesy calendar about "bad dogs" that I think my mom will like, and a book I know my sister will like. They both totalled to $8 so it was no huge splurge. And I made really good money today. $45 at lunch, which was surprising because we were so slow... we had a highroller at the sushibar. And $100 at dinner. It was overall a steady night too. The only downside is that I have this awful cold. Which means salsa is out tomorrow night. But my coworkers instead are coming over to the apartment and cooking dinner, then we're going to relax and watch a movie. I like that. Relaxing day... just have some more homework to do before relaxation time. 2 big tests this week. Gotta love midterms! Well, better get going. Later guys!

My day off [finally!]

October 13th, 2006 at 03:11 pm

So finally... my day off. Long awaited. It was a long week. But I've got some good news. I only spent a whopping $7 for food on campus this week. My coffee strategy has done me good. And kept me awake during class! Unfortunately, there were some misc items I had to buy... an umbrella, coughdrops [me and BF both are pretty miserable right now], and I think that's it. But I also make a good amount of money on wednesday- which makes up to the day I missed and the overall slowness of the last week. I do have to take a trip to the store today. But it's definitely an essential item.

I've noticed a few other people doing this, but I too started a change jar. What I've got in there will be put into my savings account at the end of the month. I honestly dont know how much is in there at the moment, but at least a couple bucks!

I've got 2 tests this week, a paper to write, and a french vocab quiz. Much to do! So today will be spent cleaning up the apartment a bit, and then off to the library. Me and BF have realized that when we study in the same room, we dont get quite as much done. Not to mention, I've got a book waiting for me at the library. yay! I love free entertainment!

I re-calculated my budget to add in a couple things that I entirely forgot about... my monthy perscription, for instance, loan interest, and school expenses. So just a general summary:
Total budget: $815.75
Estimated income: $1180
Estimated savings: $364.25

So the new estimated savings is what I'm aiming to put in my savings account at the end of the month, but really I'm hoping to put in more! That trip back home really put me under in the entertainment/misc category, though. I dont regret it, however, I had a great time and I only get to go back home every once in a while. I just cant really go out for the rest of the month. haha. With all the school work I have, it shouldn't be a problem. heh. I'm up to 1 no-spend day. I'm waiting patiently for the second, it's just hard with all these little things here and there. And I need to get more yarn to finish BF's Gram's xmas present. I've decided I'm just going to buy my lil sis a $10 gift card from build-a-bear and something small. Perhaps something on sale as well. hehe. So that's the update on my goals! I'll keep truckin!

And last but not least, I will start the $20 challenge AGAIN. [I always start up, then dont follow through...] but I'm gonna do it a little differently than usual. I'm going to take what I saved at the end of the month + any money I put towards my student loan [outside of the $65 I'm going to put towards the interest every month] and set my goal at $2700 by the beginning of may. So for right now...
Challenge money: $20

Time to get workin!

So much to do!

October 10th, 2006 at 02:34 pm

Alrighty... much to do, much to do. I was bad yesterday. I didn't go into work. Part of this was the fault of the public transit system here. Turns out one of the trolleys was derailed yesterday during the day... A mighty long wait, and by the end of it I was tired and had homework to do. My coworker didn't seem to mind at all... at any rate. I'm going to drop my mass comm class today. The current events quizzes are bringing my grade down, and since I'm switching majors the class wont count for anything in the long run anyhow. Time wasted on my part. That'll give me more time to focus on my psych and bio classes. Anyhoo... brought my new insulated coffee mug with my homemade coffee to class with me this morning, packed my lunch, and I'm set for the day! I just have to get over to the library at some point to look for a book I want to read and I'll be set. I was moving pretty quick this morning... quite a suprise. I didn't get too much sleep last night. I was too busy with mitochondria and chloroplasts... hehe. I've got a bio test on thursday that I'm trying to ace again. Everyone wish me luck!

Home again!

October 9th, 2006 at 04:00 pm

Alright, so after a long, expensive weekend, I believe I have hit the limit as to how much food an individual can eat in one weekend. I tried to stay within my limit of $50 on eating out and entertainment, but we ate out with friends, family, then more friends. It ended up being a bit pricey. I do have hopes, however, that in the end my total amount spent will be under-budget.

I was inspired this weekend at my friend's house. It was a hungover morning and we were sitting around talking and drinking coffee, and why oh why dont I buy coffee and make it at home?-I thought. My friend had all these fancy flavored creamers and it was delicious! Not to mention, I totally forgot about the french press BF bought me for valentines day this year. I was going to go out and buy a big coffee maker, but really I only drink one cup a day, but I spend $1.39 on each cup. I bought a small can of maxwell house for $3.09 and some coconut creamer for $2.09, so I'm $5.18 down, but that's still less than what I spend on my 4 cups in a week's span. And I definitely think at one cup a day it will last me more than a week. Yay! I'm enjoying today's cup as we speak... I think the only thing I may buy is an insulated coffee cup that I can take with me to class. I'm sure, though, that it will cost less than a coffee maker. I'm proud of myself for that! Though I'm spending a little extra right now on these things, it will be much cheaper in the long run.

As for other expenses today, we're going to pick up the laptop at the mac store... my baby will be back! But that's a nice $331 tab there... I had the amount set in september's budget though, so I've got enough to cover it. That, and I have to pick up more yarn for BF's gram's scarf. I ran out. Which reminds me... I came home with a few things this weekend. Family freebies, I guess you could say. Gram sent me and BF home with homemade choc chip cookies from the family picnic, plus BF's favorite cheddar scoopers she gets at west point market. I also picked up a new toothbrush at my parent's. I was planning on buying one soon, but I saw 2 still in the package in the drawer and snagged one. Our dentists office gives them out like candy... and my mom also gave me a cake pan, because outside of a cookie sheet, me and BF have no baking dishes. [we have pots and pans, but nothing to bake with! It's a shame...] So I think I made out pretty well on the trip.

At any rate, I'd better get going. I have homework and laundry to get done before going with BF to do some shopping. Later!

a little of everything...

October 5th, 2006 at 01:33 pm

So I've got good news and bad news... we'll start with the bad. Ugh. Last night was awful. Customers stayed 45 minutes after we closed and tipped me under 10%!! Japanese people dont have to tip in Japan, therefore they know not how to tip in the US. Slightly frustrated... stayed up until 2:30 last night because I didn't get home until after 11 and I had things to do. 3 quizzes today. grr. Now the good news...
I'm going to visit my family and friends in my hometown this weekend, which is great because I haven't seen anyone in a month and a half. Also, yesterday I had my first no-spend day of the month, only 3 more to go to reach my goal! I got out of class at 9:20, and instead of buying coffee on campus, I went into work an hour early, put on a pot of coffee, and studied an hour before I had to clock in. Saved me $1.39. The other good news is that I made $40 more than I estimated yesterday, which I guess makes up for being under for the last couple days. But I've been saving money on campus all week, so I'm proud of myself. Immensely! Today should be alright, though I'm going to lunch with a friend... weekly ritual. Either way, must get going!

Feeling a Bit Better

October 3rd, 2006 at 01:19 pm

I think by the time I went to work last night, I felt a bit better. And once I was on my feet and moving around, a little closer to normal. I'm still a bit tired and sniffly, but for the most part- I'm upright. :P Work last night, however, was not so happy. One of my coworkers assumes way too much when he's "running the show" and cut our shared 20-person party's tip 4 ways instead of 3 [there were only 3 of us waitresses serving the table!] No one else seemed to mind, though, because the other 2 servers were his girlfriend and her best friend. Stupid. So I came home last night with $48... not the best of nights. Hopefully tonight will be better. Soooo.... as for today, I had to pick up some milk, $1.41. And I packed my lunch and some things to eat with my dinner, so I'm trying to keep it under $5 for dinner tonight. I accidentally slept through the first fourth of my class [you tend to need sleep more and sleep heavier when you're sick], so I didn't go. I'm gonna spend the time studying for the test I have later today. Not to mention, that means no coffee today. $1.35 saved! Hopefully it will be the start to a good day... I need one!

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