Viewing the 'Uncategorized' Category
April 3rd, 2008 at 01:29 pm
So I've finally hit April, and that means I hardly have time to breathe. I've done okay this week so far, spending wise. Only because BF paid when we went out yesterday (he's so sweet). He got off work earlier than he has in months, so we ended up going to dinner, bringing our laptops and work. He had reports to write up, and I had things to study. It was so nice to sit and eat dinner and do work, and enjoy time with one another (taking a break from our work every now and again to talk).
After the restaurant, BF decided he wanted to go to the hookah bar, so we did, and had a couple beers and smoked some yummy honeyberry shisha, and did yet more work (and took more breaks and talked).
We got home about 10:00pm, and headed straight for bed (rather relaxed).
But I didn't spend a penny. I always feel bad when this happens. I mean, why should he pay for everything? I guess in the end it's both of us spending money (given that we plan on getting married some day... perhaps even soon).
So I guess it's time to drop the bomb here. BF and I, though we've only been together a few months, are talking about possibly getting married before he leaves for Iraq in January. Gasp! We're still talking about it, and we wont make any decisions for many months now, but the way things are going is just amazing, and there are a few practical reasons for it as well.
My main concern is that if something happens to him overseas I wont have any control whatsoever. Not to say I'll have a great amount of control regardless, but the military looks at the girlfriend of an injured soldier, and she's a girlfriend. I cant even get into a hospital to see him. I'm not "family." The military looks at a wife, and that's a whole different ball game. I've heard from others in the past that they were so happy they got married beforehand because it made taking care of the paperwork and the injury so much easier.
On top of that, there is a financial benefit. They'll not only pay him a little bit more if he's married, but they'll send me money on top of it (which I'll likely throw in a bank account because I'll be working). When it comes to that, it's a real benefit.
The other thing, that we've both talked about, is that getting through that year that he'll be away will be easier if we're married. It's a whole different level of commitment. Now, I think the end result would be the same regardless of whether we're hitched, I just think the wait will be easier knowing that I have nothing to worry about. Things would just feel so much certain if we were married.
Now, we've talked through the "what if's" and decided we'll have a very small ceremony if we do decide to get married, and it will likely be on Christmas-- so we can get both families together, and it'll be inexpensive, but intimate.
Needless to say, we're both pretty giddy at the idea of getting hitched, and we both think that if things are still going as well for us as they are now here toward the fall that there's a good idea we will get married, scary as that sounds! haha.
Well, let the "you're crazy's" flow! I've gotta get going
Posted in
August 9th, 2007 at 04:57 pm
Yesterday was a no-spend day. I made herbed baked salmon and asparagus (yum). I think I'm going to use some of the leftovers and make salmon salad for lunch. BF and I may be having a couple friends over for dinner (still in the workings), and today is grocery shopping day. Before I go I'm going to take inventory of my cupboards and fridge, and decide what I want to make this week. We're for the most part out of produce. I baked banana bread yesterday because the 3 we had left were quite ripe. I also cut up the last of my watermelon to serve with dinner last night, so we definitely need produce.
So off we go! Wish me luck at finding reasonably priced fruits and veggies!
Posted in
November 6th, 2006 at 09:41 pm
Posted in
October 3rd, 2006 at 08:16 pm
I was just thinking about eBay and christmas... perhaps buying gift cards and the like [my lil sis has a soft spot for build-a-bear]. I know a few of you sell gift cards on eBay, or places similar, and I would think it to be pretty practical, but I wanted to make sure. Also, for anyone that knits or crochets... buying yarn on eBay?? Never have, so I dont know. Any advice would be great. By the way, I never posted my goals for October....
October Goals:
1. To come up under budget.
2. To come up over income.
3. To have 4 no-spend days.
4. To take care of 2 people on my Xmas list.
Thanks for reading!
Posted in
October 2nd, 2006 at 06:42 pm
I have a cold. Woke up this morning a little sniffly [I have been for days] but what's worse is that I fainted during my class this morning! I'm still not quite sure why, but it's a dreadful experience, and I had to leave the class 15 minutes early to go buy water. And I'm a little peeved not only by the fact that I've felt rather weak since, but also that I had to pay $1.25 for water! :/ I get it out of my sink for free... I guess health is kind of urgent I also bought my bus pass today, though I didn't have it for the trip down the mountain and since it's the 2nd the guy made me pay my trip to the University. Another $2... so $3.25 I wouldn't have originally spent. Blah. I did manage to get home, however, and stop at the bank on the way home to deposit my remaining $85 in cash into savings. [The only upside to this story!] And I drank a good amount of water, ate some food, and took a nap. Trying to feel better before I go to work at 5. It's gonna be a busy night, but I really need the money [and it's almost certain to be good tonight], so I cant call off. I'll just have to suck it up and try and stay on my feet. ha! My loving BF has been texting me every hour to make sure I'm okay, and mom said she would book me a friday doctors appointment if I didn't feel better before friday [I'm going to visit my hometown this weekend! Yay!] So I at least feel incredibly loved. Indeed. I'm gonna try and turn this blah day around yet!
Day's total Spending:
Ride down incline: $2
Dasani [grumble]: $1.25
Bus Pass [on discout cause I bought it at the university]: $54
Total: $57.25
Previous balance: $1240
Today's deposit: $85
New balance:$1325
Posted in
October 1st, 2006 at 02:48 pm
My October Budget:
Rent, Elec, Cell: $450 (listed together because they're all split with BF)
Groceries: $40
Transport (bus pass): $54
Food on Campus: $65
Insurance: $26.75 (that's 1/3 of the total quarterly payment)
Salsa classes: $30
Entertainment&Misc: $50
Total: $715.75
Estimated Income:
17 nights @ average of $60 => $1020
4 lunches @ average of $10 => $40
2 paychecks @ average of $45 => $90
Total $1150
Income-expenses: $434.25 on to savings!!
Note, my income is estimated. I'm a waitress, and there will be some nights I make $120 and some that I make $40... it all depends. So if I make more, great! It all goes into savings. Not to mention, I think I'm going to work a couple extra nights hosting. My boss usually pays me with gift certificates that I can use all over... including to get my hair done, and by december it's gonna really need it. He always gives me my tips in cash, though, so it ends up balancing out nicely. And my rent,etc is an estimate as well, considering our cell bill and electric change from month to month.
I may be able to pare down how much I spend on food on campus as well. I'm gonna start buying the plain coffee instead of the starbucks thingies I like so much. And perhaps encourage my friend to go to subway instead of the cafeteria one day... get cheap deli sandwiches and pack the sides! (that was BF's idea... I think he's a genius sometimes)
I just really need to get my butt into gear. I've got a lot of saving ahead of me before next semester. I may still have to take out a very small loan, but I'd prefer not to. Books are going to be expensive enough. grr. Well, I'm off! Salsa class tonight! yay!
Posted in
October 1st, 2006 at 05:34 am
So I managed to not spend but $0.30 today (that was on copies of an article for a class... doesn't count! hehe.) I ate both lunch AND dinner at home, no snacks in between, even though I had to go downtown to the university library, and doughnuts were calling my name... I had a salad with tuna on it... trying to eat up that lettuce before it goes bad. And for dinner I made green curry... using one of those last two potatoes I have, and some carrots. I have a bad habit of buying produce and letting it go bad, so I'm making a concious effort. At any rate, same rule should apply tomorrow. Though tomorrow is salsa night. I'm alotting myself the $5 to take the lessons. It should be fun though. I'm excited. I just hope I feel well enough to go. I feel as if i'm coming down with a cold nothing soup and OJ wont fix, though. That's all for today, kids!
Posted in
September 30th, 2006 at 03:36 pm
Okay, so yesterday I took inventory of everything in my kitchen (i've seen others do this and I thought it would be helpful!) Here's what I came up with:
A huge bag of frozen chicken tenders
A huge bag of frozen stir-fry veggies
Lean Pockets (roughly 12)
1/2 box perogies
Army supply of V8 juice
Big box of bisquick
1/2 can wheat germ
1/2 bottle Plum wine
small tub sour cream
Lots of cream cheese
1/2 jar pasta sauce
Feta Cheese crumbles
6 eggs
2 bags salad mix
army supply of string cheese
shredded cheddar cheese
a few packages udon
tons of popcorn
HUGE can of mixed nuts
bag of lemon-pepper noodles
1/4 bag sticky rice
1/2 box spaghetti
2 potatoes
rice vinegar
3 huge tubs peanut butter
brown sugar
baking powder
2 cans tuna
1 can tomato soup (I ate the other for dinner last night!)
1 can beets
1 can coconut milk
1 can potatoes
1 can bamboo shoots
5 cans mandarin oranges
1/2 bag craisins
army supply of nutrigrain bars
Raisin bran out the wazoo
1/4 box bulgur wheat cereral
hot cocoa
a variety of spices
about 2 tbsp of olive oil left in the bottle...
Apples out the wazoo
Beef jerky out the wazoo
Applesauce out the wazoo
Easy mac
3 tubs strawberry jam
A ton of blue moon.
NOW I know why BF gets a little irritated when I tell him there's nothing in the apartment to eat. hehe. I did, however, buy a few choice items yesterday (with my $30 limit) to round off some of the perishables...
Yogurt (my powerfood)
2 avocados (my addiction)
Bagels (to go with the mass amount of cream cheese)
Vanilla Icecream (to complement the baked apples I made yesterday)
Coconut milk (I need 2 cans to make curry)
Jasmine Rice (also for curry)
Edamame (my fave snack)
Curry paste (I think mine went bad)
Just as a little tip, me and BF eat a lot of asian food (if you couldn't tell), and a great tip is buying food from asian grocery stores. We have a few near where we're from, and everything is much cheaper. And more authentic!
My goal this week is to only eat out (monday thru thursday... I'm going out of town this weekend, it'll be unavoidable) 2 times. And I'm gonna try and keep one of those under $5. Eating on campus is just so expensive... and one day a week I get lunch with my friend at the school cafeteria... $7 for cafeteria food! But usually it's pretty good and it's buffet, so I get a lot!
At any rate, work tonight! It's a weekend night, so hopefully I'll make some money... hehe. Later guys!
Posted in
September 29th, 2006 at 05:18 pm
Alright, so I got my loan check in the mail and I opened up a savings account. I currently have $1100 in that account, and I'll be depositing $140 today. I also decided to start my Xmas savings fund, because that's coming up and I think it's better to start early. I've got more than a few people to get things for... though I'm happy to say I took up crocheting and I'm currently making my BF's grandmother a scarf right now... the yarn I'm using is fairly expensive though, so it ends up being just as much as buying a pricey gift... but home-made! I'm thinking about using this recently aquired craft to make a few more gifts as well. At any rate, I'm putting all savings into my savings account, but I'm "separating" them on paper to distinguish what I can spend on what... so here goes:
School savings: $1220
Xmas savings: $20
I have to go to the grocery store today... but I'm going to limit myself to $30 because recently I've been eating at least one meal on campus twice a week. Not to mention, BF's gram took him on a Sam's Club run the other week, so we have plenty of the staples. For free! So I'll budget $30, but whatever I dont spend, I'll throw into the school savings category. What fun this budgeting is!
Not to mention, It's the 4th week of school and I am LOVING it... well, when I'm not stressed out because my work load and school load together are a bit much. I dropped a couple of my other activities to take a little breath. At any rate, I'm considering double-majoring. Yes, that means additional schooling, but it's in my heart. Therefore I have additional financial planning ahead of me. But I figured it out, and if I take heavier-than-usual courseloads, and only 3 classes during the summer, I'll get out within the next 3.5 years. haha. Not too bad... my scholarships will still be in effect by then. Not to mention, BF has been talking about getting married a lot lately. We've discussed it many a time, and though there is no ring yet, we're looking to get married the summer after he graduates. I'm expecting the proposal very soon, however, because he's discussed it all with his grandparents- and even better news is that we have thier blessings!! I'm very happy about that.
At any rate, this is getting very lengthy, I'll cut it now. Thanks for reading, guys!
Posted in
September 5th, 2006 at 06:31 pm
So I managed to live through my first week of school. Cant say that it was incredibly easy, but I do give myself a pat on the back for time management skills. I could have had a more productive weekend for sure, but needless to say, I enjoyed my holiday weekend. But it's back to the books for me... and to the restaurant. I've got work tonight. Last week was incredibly trying... didn't make very much money at all. It was very frustrating to say the least. Not to mention, my coworkers weren't helping the situation. A lot of nasty comments were made to me. Ordinarily that wouldn't bother me too much, but it was on a very frustrating day. All of my lunch breaks were spent doing homework and such. Saturday night, I went out with my bf and a couple coworkers [obviously not the ones making the rude comments] and had a wonderful time. The band has been practicing very frequently. We have our show coming up next weekend, which is going to be wonderful. I'm incredibly excited. We've been working on some new material. Once we get a few more songs written, we're gonna record a CD. If anyone wants to listen to some of my solo stuff, however, you guys are free to go to my site. It's only my myspace page for the moment until we get the actual site up and running, but if anyone wants to tell me what they think, please do!
Thanks so much!
Posted in
August 28th, 2006 at 08:22 pm
So... my first class went incredibly well. I loooove my professor. He's hysterical, and it is going to be an incredibly easy A. Psych 150 with Bob. The other good news is that I got the wrong book for the class. While that seems bad, it turns out that the book I need is only $30, and tomorrow I will be returning in full the one I bought for $87. It seems as if the bookstore listed one too many for the section, and I wasn't the only one who got caught in that one. Luckily, I keep my reciepts. For everything, actually. So tomorrow I'll be receiving that $87. So I have a little more in extra funds than I had anticipated. Woo! That means Tara gets a new bookbag [finally!] mine is falling apart... I saw some that weren't too bad in price... Tomorrow I have 3 classes instead of 1. I'm enjoying being back in school thus far. I've already done my homework for the class [though I would hardly refer to reading 6 pages homework]. I'm trying my best to practice good time management this semester. I'm a horrible procrastinator usually, but with all I've got going on right now, it seems thatI should keep ontop of it all so as not to drown in it! Well, work tonight. Later guys!
Posted in
August 27th, 2006 at 01:55 pm
I find all the talk of allowances very ironic, because I just created one for myself yesterday- After a nice talk with my mother... one of those coversations that ends in the "Yes Mother," the kind that I particularly cringe at. Here's my situation: My parents are paying nothing- yes, not a cent- of my college expenses whatsoever. I have never held that against them. Until I realized that they went out and bought and expesive RV, a year-round campsite, and a golf cart. My father goes to Vegas every year, and my mother had a trip to the beach back in the spring. Where do I come in?? What's more, my mother wouldn't even cosign a loan for me until recently. Luckily, my credit score was good enough to obtain a loan without her signature.
I just recently moved out of thier house, so I am now financially independent of them. With the exception of my health insurance, that is. But I pay my own rent, electric, cell phone, transportation, books, and tuition.
So yesterday I was having a conversation with my mom about how relieved I was that my loans had gone through and I will in fact be able to go to class this semester. Big relief. Then I was explaining to her how I had to switch my loan from a year loan to a semester, and I'm going to throw the difference in a savings account and add to it throughout the semester to hopefully come to the total by the time it needs to be paid.
And SHE has the audacity to say: "Well then I dont want to hear about you buying clothes anymore. If I'm helping you I dont want you to blow all your money on stupid things." First of all, the only help she gave me was the signature that I didn't even end up using. Second of all, it is my money and I will distribute it how I see fit, and thirdly, give me a break.
That is why I decided to give myself an allowance. I dont think it's fair for me to completely eliminate all misc expenditures- including clothes- however, most of the allowance dollars will be put towards savings. Obviously my tuition takes more than just a little priority, but I dont think that justifies not having ANY spending money. A girl's gotta live and indulge a LITTLE, especially since the colder months are coming up and I could REALLY use a new pair of shoes. (I for the most part live in Birkenstocks. I need cold weather black shoes...).
I find it amazing how my mother- who gives me little to no financial backing whatsoever- can tell me how to manage my finances. Especially considering how poorly she manages her own! grr. Thanks guys for letting me blow some steam :/
Posted in
August 26th, 2006 at 02:31 pm
I've got 2 more days until school starts, and I'm getting more and more antsy. I just really wish I had my bio book! The good news is that I got my paycheck yesterday, and I'm not in the red anymore! I actually made $50. My boss messed up the first month or so that I worked with payroll, so I owed my restaurant money. The good news is that it comes out of my paychecks rather than my tips, so I'm still making a nice chunk of change. Having money on my paycheck just means that I made crap for tips that week. haha. Taxes... Either way. So I have that unanticipated $50, not to mention I volunteered to work (on my DAY OFF) as a hostess, so I'll get my tips from that today. And I've got a double to work today. Tomorrow me, 2 of my coworkers, the bf, and my boss decided we wanted to go grocery shopping together. I'm desparate. I am almost out of everything I eat. haha. And once school starts, I'm gonna pack lunches. No use in spending way too much money eating out becuase I'm on campus. I used to do that at my old university. Then after grocery shopping, my coworker wanted to have a picnic. It sounds like fun for sure. Hope the weather holds up. And then tomm night we have band practice, but it cant run TOO late cause I've got class at 8am on monday morning. woo!
I already paid my rent, electric, and cell bills for Sept. So everything is great with that. No worries. I do, however, have to buy a bus pass for sept- discounted through the university. woo! And I also have to renew my membership to the YMCA... which thankfully, is also highly discounted through my university. So that's another $35 for the semester. I haven't gone in a week or so and I'm wondering if I should just forget about it and use the REC center at the university, but me and a coworker have been going together, and I cant get her into the REC. Either way...
I wish the bank was open up here. I need to deposit my paycheck! My bank is super-stupid about that. All banks should be open on saturdays! :/
Posted in
August 25th, 2006 at 04:43 am
Let's have a breath of fresh air guys.... *sigh* all of my student loans have gone through -finally- and the semester is all set. I have only one more book to buy. Well, possibly two considering I got the wrong edition of one of my books online but aside from that, everything is right as rain. And class starts in 4 days!!! I'm so excited. I cant wait to get back into the groove of things. I had to change my original $5500 loan for the year to a semester loan to cover the full amount. They tell me that I'm going to get a check for the difference in tuition cost- about $1400- and I'm going to throw it into a savings account and add to it throughout the semester for the spring. I figure I'll have the full amount by then... or at least we can hope. Good news! My band had a show last week. We made $10 between the 3 of us. So there's an extra $3.33 at my disposal. haha. Doesn't exactly cover the cost of my Bio book, but it's a start. haha. At any rate, I played my first show in my new town and that's something to be excited about. More to come! Hopefully with a bigger dollar amount... that would be nice anyway. Either way, I better get going. Later guys!
Posted in
August 11th, 2006 at 03:14 pm
Alright, so maybe I wont be relaxing TOO long. Our guests left yesterday, but there's a new batch coming tonight. boo. They wont be gone until Tuesday. Grr. But the upside is that I have from now until I go to work to do nothing but relax. Woo! It's nice. And practice too... I've got that show next friday. Totally psyched. Perhaps I'll buy another book today for school. I'm getting them slowly but surely. And no more eating out this week! Well, that's a lie, but I'm making my boy pay for it from now on. I've got too much food in the house to be eating out. bleh. At any rate, I better get going. Later!
Posted in
August 10th, 2006 at 02:29 pm
Sheesh. Still so busy! Our friends are still in town and more come on saturday. But I have good news! I'm off today! whoo! And I'm getting my hair done on monday, which is wonderful. It's way past due. And I also have a show next friday, which will be my first gig ever in Pittsburgh. Quite exciting, though I know I'm not ready... at any rate, lunch today, practice tonight. Tomorrow I will be relaxing in front of my TV all morning and afternoon until I decide to get up to go to work. I've informed my manager of this, and he seems quite sympathetic. ha. The eating healthy thing is going incredibly well. I've excercised twice this week. Not too bad. Going to the gym today. So that is good. Didn't make a whole lot yesterday at work... it was just one of those days. At any rate, better get going! Later!
Posted in
August 6th, 2006 at 04:49 pm
So I've been staying at my parents' house for the weekend, spending time with my friends and family. I leave to go back home today. I'm definitely ready. ha. I love going back to my hometown, but I of course spend way too much money when I do. You get lunch- and dinner- with friends at restaurants, buy way too much booze, all that. And we've partied for the last 2 nights. whew. I've got work tonight and I'm afraid I'm gonna be pretty out of it. At any rate, dont really have any updates. Just needed to breathe that sigh of relief. When I get back home, things are going to be different. I've decided to stop giving up my diet every other day, and crack down on the spending once an for all. I need all the support I can get! We've got a lot of company at the apartment this week, so it will be no easy task, but I'm really gonna try. Later then kids!
Posted in
August 2nd, 2006 at 02:52 pm
So I'm gonna start it today. I've got $20... for every no-spend day, I'm gonna add 2. We'll see how the day goes 
Current $: 20.00
Work today!! Hope I make some $. Wish me luck! Later guys!
Posted in
August 1st, 2006 at 09:13 pm
So to follow the trend the cool kids created The things I will not buy for the rest of 2006:
Books (non-academic)
Random Refreshments
pumpkin seeds
These are the only things I buy on a semi-constant basis. My bf came up with his own list, but it was substantially shorter:
Posted in
August 1st, 2006 at 08:54 pm
Goodness it feels like ages! A couple of months have passed by with no entries... I've been INCREDIBLY busy. At any rate, school is coming up soon. I'm on a real tight budget right now, priced my books the other day. Outrageous as usual... grr. The good news is that they'll be substantially less on amazon. I had to apply for another student loan.. tuition was a little more than expected. So it's back to the ramen/easymac/applesauce diet. My bf's grandmother takes him to Sam's Club every once in a while, and we have the army supply. I had to buy a bus pass yesterday, and a greyhound ticket to go back home this weekend, but outside of that I'm doing okay. I've been looking through my reciepts and it seems that i spend WAY too much money on food. Groceries and eating out both. I'm happy to say that I've gone 2 days without making a single food purchase. That's a lot for me. And we're running awfully low on just about EVERYTHING. grr. Lucky for me, I get free meals every shift I work at the restaurant. Not to mention, I discovered this point system that National City has... I can accumulate points and get amazon.com gift certificates to go toward my books. Woo! Not a bad setup. At any rate, I better get going. I'll try to post again soon however!
Posted in
April 24th, 2006 at 03:45 pm
Alright. So my training at the restaurant is all said and done, and finally I am making tips. A lot of tips. Actually, I'm making more money than I ever have in my life. Needless to say, I'm pretty excited about it. I only made tips for a week, and aside from the money being more than sufficient to pay rent, electric, and the cell bill this coming month, I also had enough left over to indulge a little guilt free indulgence has never been an idea in my book, but I have finally managed to accomplish it. I bought a new pair of jeans [much needed], a couple of cute tops, a new cookbook [williams sonoma yummy!], and the DVD set of one of my fave shows. Not to mention, me and the boy stopped to get a snack at panera yesterday. Baguette and coffee. Yum! Last week we went and got lunch at this fancy Spanish restaurant. The weather was absolutely gorgeous, and they had a small patio, so we sat outside and ate our delicious spanish lunch. I felt like I was in europe at a little cafe. Still cant quite afford a visit to Barcelona, but that visit to Mallorca was a nice second place!
Posted in
April 13th, 2006 at 05:08 pm
Well. I'm all moved in, and I'm happy to say just about everything is unpacked! It's been a while since my last update... I moved in on April 1, and obviously some time has passed since. We moved in on a Saturday. I'm happy to say I had a new job by monday. It's my second week at this upscale japanese restaurant, and I got the waitressing job that I've been wanting for a while. My boss told me I would be making on average $60 a shift, though one of the waitresses says that she makes $100 per shift. I'm a beginner, so I'll shoot somewhere in the middle, but that's still great! Much more than I made back in Ohio... I think last year I made about $7000. Granted, that's working part time, and in school. I should still make at least $15,000 this year, if not more. And that's not bad when you're still in college! Of course I'll need that to pay living expenses. I just got my last 2 paychecks from Ohio, and those are enough to cover the cell payment and groceries. Thank god, though, that I'll finally have paid my boy back the money I owed him (we ran into trouble when we switched phone companies, and he pulled me out of a bind), so I'll only be paying half the phone bill again. Whew! So really, it'll only be cell, rent, electric, insurance quarterly, and my perscription every month. Let's just hope I dont get sick! I think everything should run very smoothly until I start school in the fall, and then I still think it will run smoothly. I've decided I'll probably just take classes in the morning so i can still work 5 or so dinner shifts during the week. Either way, I'll get it all figured out. As for right now, I'm just enjoying the nice weather on my day off. We have to go buy some hangers, and perhaps an iron and ironing board! My work shirts are looking a bit rough... Sorry for writing such a long entry!
Posted in
March 22nd, 2006 at 04:20 pm
These last few days have gone by quick... and expenseless. I've tried staying in the house as much as I can... it seems that everytime I go somewhere with friends I end up blowing a bunch of money I shouldn't have, and I've eaten out way too much in the last couple weeks. I'm starting to freak out about the move. Particularly because I dont have as much money as I had counted on... the lack of real job right now doesn't help a bit. I'm gonna sell 2 of my guitars. They aren't worth much, but they're taking up space anyways and I can definitely use the money. I sold a whole box of things, but the money I got has already been spent. I needed a haircut badly... and once again, I've eaten out way too much. It just drives me crazy that I've been doing so good, but I let it all go in 2 weeks! Now I'm more or less home-bound. And it turns out I have a $26 library fine I thought I paid off 2 years ago... Of course I dont have the reciept anymore. And I'm still trying to get a job in PA. I applied at 2 more restaurants... closer to my apartment than the mall... and one said they would call me around the 1st for an interview. I'm crossing my fingers! I've been wanting to get a waitressing job... make tips! There's just something about jobs with tips. I like the idea that if I do a better job, I make more money, rather than doing the same job well or badly and getting the same paycheck. Doesn't make any sense to me... either way. Better shorten this up. later!
Posted in
March 15th, 2006 at 06:19 pm
my boss cut my hours yet AGAIN. that means for the next 2 weeks i'll only be working on the weekends. i'm not on the schedule at all at the bookstore. ugh. it's really hard to save up a lot of money when you're not making any, but i'm convinced that things will go alright. i've been severely stressed out about the move, and it's probably good for me to chill out for a while. but still, the lack of money gives me more stress. poo. nonetheless, still root for me on my interview friday! scholarships, ho!
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March 14th, 2006 at 08:01 pm
it's amazing how soon i'll be in my new apartment, and how frustrating it is getting prepared. boo. this past weekend i had my job interview and i'm waiting for them to call this week. i'm pretty sure i'm gonna get the job. this weekend is my scholarship interview, so everyone wish me luck! that's $40,000.00 towards my education if i get it. we're crossing our fingers... other than that, things are hectic, but not too busy. things are going great with my boy, though we're getting frustrated, too, about timing. he just got his new job, and things are so much more complicated when we have to work moving around his work schedule. either way, i have faith things will go fine in the end. later.
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March 8th, 2006 at 06:12 pm
So things are still going great in the saving department. Actually, I walked to work yesterday, so I saved a dollar. Put that in my challenge money. Woo! The only bad thing is I didn't drink any water before/after I took the 45 min walk and got dehydrated, then fainted. ha. I've been drinking a lot of water today, lemme tell ya. Well then. Not a whole lot of news. Later!
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March 7th, 2006 at 07:22 pm
So there's a little bad news... my boss continues to cut my hours at work. boo. He's got a new house he just built to pay for. I'm deciding he's a jerk. Along with that, the woman my mom was going to set me up with is looking for someone a little more permanent to fill the position. This is understandable, of course, I'm leaving in less than a month. The good news, however, is that I'll still make enough money and have enough saved to where I'll be set when I move. So I figure if I cant work, I might as well enjoy the time off (cheaply, of course). I haven't spent one dime on leisure or food in the last week. I packed all my lunches and engaged in money-less activities with the friends. And stayed in a bit. I did, however, have to pay my life insurance and RX. Next is bus tickets and cell bill. But I'm still doing good and those are the only bills left this month. Not to mention, I got my coupon for my RX the other day! That means $5 off next month. woo! So if I keep things up, I'll be looking at plenty financially by the moving date. That's it for the update! Later.
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March 1st, 2006 at 06:25 pm
Just another day... same old. I'm hanging out with Kimmy tonight, so I'm hoping it'll be a movie night something or other. Dont really want to spend anything more than I have to. Luckily, she's picking me up from work here in an hour or so, so there's a dollar saved! Putting that in my challenge money. I'm now at $46.56. Other good news, when I got my withdrawal receipt at the ATM, my registered balance was around $700. That means my tax refund is processing at the moment. yay! Crossing my fingers for that part time position for the CEO of the chamber of commerce. Either way, gonna get going! Later!
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February 28th, 2006 at 02:18 pm
So things are going well. I had a no spend day yesterday! woo! Signed up for a few more things online, and I'm still waiting for some coupons in the mail... It's finally hit me. I'm moving in a month. urgh. It's not that I dont want to go, but I feel so unprepared, it's not even funny. It doesn't help that my boss has been cutting my hours. boo. The good news is that mom gave me $70 to cover the day of work I missed due to my sister's illness, and a little extra for watching the house while they were in vegas. yay! Today I'm hoping only to spend $2.00, which covers my bus money to and from work. Mom also is hooking me up with a little untaxed partime work with a friend... for my days off. So I'll have enough when I get there, I just want to have a good stash of emergency money. We still have to buy some stuff for the apartment. Either way, this week should be no problem. I'm planning on being to work bright and early everyday this week. And I'm going through my room now to filter out what I'm taking with me, what I'm throwing out, and what i could possibly sell. Ha. I have a few things. Well then, better get going. Later.
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February 26th, 2006 at 05:28 pm
So this weekend has not been the most financially promising, by any stretch of the word(s). I've decided that my boyfriend is a sort of temptation god. Any time he's in town I work less and spend more. bleh. Hopefully things will be different when we move in. ha. It didn't help that my little sister got sick the other day, and I had to stay home from work to make sure things went okay at home. My parents are in Vegas. I hope they bring me back some money. ha. The good news and bad news is that he's not coming home next weekend. That means I'll be clear to work, and not have to worry about staying up late and etc etc. Either way, I'm trying to think of ways to work on my $20 money. I dont buy groceries, but I have been cutting coupons for future use. I did clean my room the other day and found $1.20 in change. I guess that would count. ha. soooo... that puts me at $31.81. At any rate, I'm gonna work on getting some free stuff online. hehe. later.
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