Viewing the 'Goals' Category
March 4th, 2011 at 01:42 pm
So I got that tax money in, and finally decided on the allocation. I immediately put $1,000 of it toward my student loans, which of course only put a dent, but every little bit helps! I also put $1,500 of it in my savings account. The rest was split between new glasses (so happy), a haircut, and a few other random things. February was a VERY spendy month. There were a few essentials, but I also spent too much on things I really didn't need, or food out when I could have easily cooked at home. Not this month.
I have made two purchases this month. The original Dream Phone game from Ebay... for a 90's throwback sleepover I'm planning with some girlfriends. I also purchased a new camera. After debating what traveling I wanted to do this year, I decided against using my savings to make a trip to Europe. The flight tickets are absolutely atrocious, and I don't see them getting any better any time soon (particularly due to all of the unrest in the Middle East currently). Instead, I decided to cut the cost by $1,000 and purchase a nice camera. I bought a Canon EOS Rebel XS, and I'm waiting for it to arrive at my house. Very exciting!
I will be taking a few trips inside the country this year, however. Chicago at the end of this month, New Orleans at the end of April. I'm also hoping to visit my dad in Denver over the summer. Thankfully, however, only one of those trips will involve flying.
I took a look at my debt today, and it is still fantastically depressing. I put a $500 payment down, and enthusiastically await the day when I get the rest of my sign-on bonus. It'll be nice to make a $5,000 payment in one chunk. Maybe then I'll feel like I'm actually getting somewhere with it. I'm going to start more aggressively attacking it. I just can't stand looking at that $35,791.16 go up every single month. And that's only my loans with one company! I still have a little over $15k among the other two...
So yeah, I was going to go out tonight, but I think I'll be staying in and saving money instead. Perhaps even making money! lol. I have to be up early to take my mom to the airport, so I wont be going out with the BF anyway. We'll be going to a hockey game tomorrow. I got a fantastic deal through Living Social-- only $12/ticket. Not bad.
I have some spendy weekends coming up here, anyway. Taking a trip to Pittsburgh next weekend, spending a day in Columbus during spring break (which can't come soon enough), Chicago at the end of the month. Woo! So while I'm still in my own city, I need to keep things under control. Cooking at home, not going out and spending too much on alcohol, restaurants. I'm going to be working as much as possible to increase my income as well.
That's about all I have right now! Hope everyone has a great Friday
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The Budget
January 31st, 2011 at 02:01 am
It seems the time is flying just as quickly this year as it did the last.
That being said, January was a loooong month. Not long in terms of how it felt, but in terms of how much really went on. I wish I could say I came out of the month as good as I did going in, but it's kind of a crap time at the moment.
I started the semester, and I'm happy with how my classes are going. There's only one that is really painful-- compared to all of them last semester. I certainly count that a win. I feel challenged, and that's the way I prefer it. The book total for this semester, however, was not quite as satisfying. I had more trouble with books this time around than I ever have, and they totaled close to $400...
Things with the BF are a bit shaky at the moment. I was very close to calling it quits-- even packed up a bunch of clothes and went to mom's for a few days. Things are a bit better now, though, and I feel like we'll be able to push through. The last few days have been rough, more because I haven't felt well physically than emotionally, but I know it's all intertwined and stress is just getting to me at the moment.
Speaking of the physical, I did work out 2 times last week, and will be back on track this week (meaning 3 times) with my exercise, as well as my eating habits- which were also crap this week. Because I wasn't really at home last weekend, we had no groceries here and I spent a bit too much out at restaurants and on fast food. Not this week.
I'm really just hoping to find a bit more normalcy in my life this week. I have a lot going on academically and with work, so I think I'll be able to get back on track if I can find a way to focus. That's been difficult this week. Perhaps I need to employ a few yoga techniques, and just take a bit of time every night to chill and not worry. Perhaps read.
BF and I sat down to discuss all of the traveling we wanted to do this year. It's exciting to think about, but when I sorted out the tentative prices for everything, it was a bit disheartening. For him (with his fancy job paying over $50k) it's not so difficult to pull a few thousand dollars together, but for me it's quite. He says he'll help me out a bit, but I feel strange taking on charity, so we'll see. I know I need to start paring down the budget a little bit... and actually STICKING to the budget. There are some expenses that are pretty unavoidable right now, though. Like a new pair of glasses (very much overdue) and (finally) figuring out why it is my check engine light has been on for almost 5 months...
I'm trying not to let things get me down. I'm usually an incredibly optimistic, energetic person. This stressed, sad state is rather foreign and frustrating for me. I keep telling myself it will all work out alright, and I know that's true... I just need a vacation! lol. Given that I just returned from vacation I feel a bit silly saying that, but in my defense, that vacation was far from relaxing, or even entirely enjoyable.
In good news, however, I located and purchased a fabulous deal from LivingSocial.com for a night in a 4-star Chicago hotel. I've never been, and I'm taking a girlfriend of mine for a true girl's night on the town. It's pretty much the most exciting thing in my life right now, so I'm incredibly pumped. I'm in desperate need.
I'll stop rambling now, but I hope you are all doing well! Hope you have a great week!
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The Budget
January 8th, 2011 at 05:05 pm
So a couple of days ago I returned from my incredible 3-week vacation in the Pacific Islands. It was a good time-- there were certainly some rough spots, and I'm very relieved to get home, but otherwise it is a beautiful place and I would love to visit again.
While I was away, Christmas passed. Then my favorite time of the year quickly approached-- The New Year. I'm one of those people that really loves the feeling of a fresh start. Call it corny, but this makes the first of the year my favorite day. I spend hours formulating my yearly goals and coming up with strategies for obtaining those goals. This year was no exception.
I've had "themes" for many of my years passed. Last year was the "Me Year"-- mostly focused on gaining personal independence both emotionally and practically. That year was incredibly difficult but also incredibly successful. The year previous to was the year of my ex boyfriend and the craziness that surrounded his deployment and my experiences in basic training. Very happy to be past all that.
This year (again sounding quite corny) is the "Love Year." When I say love I don't mean it necessarily in a romantic way. I think of love as a very anti-fairytale like action rather than a feeling. It's about being supportive, caring, respectful, committed, and giving. Now that I've gained my independence, this year is about loving myself, my SO, my family and friends, as well as the world community around me to the best of my ability. I guess I could call it the "Giving Year," but I think love is more appropriate.
That being said, the majority of my goals are geared toward this theme. I of course have the usual weight-loss goal carried over from last year. I also want to pick up my yoga practice again and do some projects (sewing mostly). Improving my relationship with the boy is on the list, however. Spending more time with family and friends is as well, and getting more involved with volunteer work. The boy and I sat down and had a "workshop" determining what aspects of our relationship we would like to improve, as well as a way to address these problems. We don't feel our relationship is BAD, but it seems silly not to approach our recurring problems in a constructive manner. One of our goals is to commit to those solutions and actually follow through-- to reduce fighting and strengthen our bonds even more.
One of my other important goals is to simplify life. I'm a workaholic. A big one. I pack my schedule so tight that sometimes I have trouble finding time to breathe. As a result, I'm trying to slow things down a bit, so I can spend this extra time with others-- or just relaxing. This will carry over to the financial realm as well. If I can use what I have, and don't really NEED anything, I can simplify and not get more stuff. I really don't need more stuff, anyway.
My goals for 2010 were fairly successful. There were many that I did accomplish, and am quite happy with (ex. buying a car and moving into my own apartment). Some that I'm not crushed didn't happen (ex. getting a tattoo). Overall, I can't beat myself up at all. I grew and matured a lot in 2010, and I'm a MUCH healthier person (emotionally) now than I was a year ago. Much.
I'll stop rambling on now... lol.
Spent $10 for my Yoga class today, which is money well worth it. Usually a class for students is only $5, but I only had a 10 on me... Next week I'll bring correct change They don't really have a "register," per se. Just a basket where you throw your payment.
Went grocery shopping yesterday, and spent $67 for the two of us. Not terrible, not great. Because I'm now on a diet, my grocery list is including a couple specialty food items and much more produce. We also had to grab a few things, though, that we just needed to replenish and will last us a while (ex. olive oil and garlic). Many things we bought will carry us through for a while.
This week coming up is the first week of my last semester as an undergrad. It is also the boy's first week of work at his new job. I'll be packing lunches all week long. No use in spending an arm and a leg on food at the university. It'll be a better chance of eating healthy as well. I still have a couple books to purchase, but otherwise they weren't *too* bad, depending on what you consider bad. It'll probably be about $250 when it's all said and done.
I got my check from the university from my leftover grant money, so I'll be heading to the bank Monday. Trying to keep the rest of the weekend low/no spend, but Sunday will be rough. The boy and I are doing brunch at a restaurant with friends, spending lunch with my friend (we'll probably cook though), and doing dinner at my mom's (a make-up Christmas). Busy busy!
I'll stop here. Too much to catch up on, but so much to actually do as well Everyone have a great day!
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Daily Little Blurbs,
October 31st, 2010 at 07:57 pm
So it's been a while. I've been wrapped up in school, work, and taking the awful GRE. I didn't do nearly as well on the GRE as I had thought I would, but my score is good enough to qualify for my top choice program. That's all that really matters.
In good news, BF got the job he applied for. This is fantastic, as he's been looking for a while. He graduates in December, and as soon as we get back from vacation he'll start full time, making a salary of $52k per year. Not bad It's really exciting for both of us. Obviously it will benefit both of us financially, and it eases many of the anxieties we had about finances when we come home from vaca.
It's amazing to think that in the "real world" in higher paying jobs that people really make that much money. I've never made more than $25k. He'll make in one week what I make in almost a month. Insane.
Obviously, this also brings hopes of marriage in the next two years a bit closer. Very happy times over here
Other than that, I have no real exciting news. The GRE is over, and I'm organizing my finances for November. It was a bit of a spendy month, but I still dont have my car fixed up for winter... I need to get on that ASAP. I also have my lady check-up this week, so it'll be another $80 or so, and grad school application fees will total up to $110 this month. Income is a bit strapped this month, as well. It's rather sad. I'm really broke again.
We could have done much better in October. We didn't go out and buy anything frivolous, but we did eat out at restaurants more than we should have. I had to dip into my savings a couple times to cover basic expenses. Not cool. This month we're going to be better, at least after this first week.
We have a wedding to go to this coming weekend, and we're taking a trip to Pittsburgh the night before the wedding for some fun. I don't think the actual wedding will be bad, but that trip out to PA will obviously run us for food and such. It'll be spendy, but it'll also count for our "date night" this month. If we decide to do anything else special this month it will be at home, probably watching movies on the couch because it is FREEZING in our apartment. We will not be eating at any restaurants after next weekend.
We have yet to turn on the heat, despite frigid temperatures. We're trying to hold out a bit longer, but we'll see how bad it gets. Groceries this week were fantastic. For the last month or so we've been at right about $60-- for all of it, which we split. This week we totaled $37. Fantastic, and I have a great menu lined up on top of it We had some leftover stuff from last week, so that's part of the rationale behind the drop. But regardless, that saved money is certainly needed.
I looked at my loan totals again to update my net worth. It's depressing to see it drop every month. I amass about $300 extra dollars every month in interest, if I don't make any payments to Sallie Mae. I'm trying my best to free up cash to contribute to my debt, but it's been really hard. I'm still trying to save up for vacation money and dipping into my savings. Needless to say, I wont be purchasing that camera. I'll just have to make due with what I've got. I cant really afford to amass another $800-1000 in debt for something that isn't entirely necessary. It was a want, not a need. It's more important for me to fix my car and apply to grad schools right now, and Christmas is coming up next month.
I'll stop here, as I don't have much more to report and have a TON of work to do. Hope you all enjoy your Halloween!
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Daily Little Blurbs,
The Budget
September 30th, 2010 at 10:17 pm
Well, it is in fact the last day of september. I can't believe that the time has flown by so quickly!! It was a rather exciting month for me because... it's the highest total for freelancing income I've hit yet! Nothing *terribly* groundbreaking, but I made a total of $542.51 this month freelancing alone. With drill pay and babysitting income it pulled my total income for the month to $870.82!
While this doesn't seem like much (and it's not), I didn't have my GI bill payment. So starting in October, that income will be raised by $533, and I'll be doing well (at least well enough). I'm also hoping that the freelancing income will improve. I picked up 2 new clients in the last week, and I also have to big articles that I'll be publishing this month ($100 each woo!). So I know this coming month will be a good one.
It's exciting to think about. If I can build my career up even more, I'll be in a really good place.
I haven't really made any business-related expenditures yet, but I think a big one is coming up... I really want to buy a good camera. A digital SLR, and very possibly a Canon Rebel. I'm really looking to spend under $600, and I know I just paid my CC off, but I'm definitely willing to charge it-- because I really want it before vacation. My trip to Micronesia in December will be so much better if I have it... I really want some stellar photos, and I can certainly use the camera for my writing and blogging.
I dont really make too many big technological purchases. I spent a whopping $300 on my laptop. I had the same phone I got free with my contract until the contracted ended and I got another free one. I'm really not into frivolous purchases, but I really want to learn more about photography, and have the proper equipment to do it well.
I'm not really trying to self-justify here. I'm getting one, no matter! lol. It's just really important to me (I guess important enough to bore you with it).
What I'm curious about is if I can list it as a business expense when tax time comes around... hmm. If so, that would be pretty stellar. I'm rather excited for tax season. lol. I'm expecting a rather large(r) return this year... and it wont all go to my CC
So. Other than that, there's not much to say. My goals this month were:
[ ]Stay under budget
[x]Don’t spend any money on clothes
[x]Don’t use CC at all
[x]Generate $400 in Freelancing Income
[x]Keep track of finances all month
[x]Put $200 in savings
The only one I did not accomplish was staying under budget. BUT, I was only $20.65 over-- and I had the unexpected expense of paying for my GRE registration ($160). So really, I count it a total win. Of course, I did not get all the car repairs I had planned on getting done... so that means a bigger budget for next month. Thank goodness I'll have so much extra income!
Alright, I'm done for now. Cheers, everyone!
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Daily Little Blurbs,
The Budget
September 18th, 2010 at 02:33 pm
So on my list of goals for 2010 was improving my credit score. Up until today I hadn't looked at it, but upon paying off my CC I was hoping it would have improved. As a matter of fact, it did!
I took a look at my score last year about the time I was trying to buy a car, so November. Then it was 710, which certainly isn't terrible.
Today, however, when I looked at it I found a big gaping 819 I improved it by over 100 points. This is incredibly exciting for me, and I am definitely proud of myself. I feel so in control of my financial well-being. It's incredibly uplifting!
So that's the big excitement for this weekend.
I've started thinking about my goals for next year. I think it's going to be a different kind of year, though some goals will be similar. Obviously, I'll want to whittle down even more of my debt... but now it'll only be student loans! I plan on taking a vacation to Europe next year, so there will be saving for that. But I also have grad school to look at, as well as my new goal: trying to publish a book.
Publishing a book is something that's been on my life's goal list for a long time. I figure, why wait?
But anyhoo... 2011 is still a few months off, and I have other goals to work on in the mean time.
As for the remainder of the weekend, it should be relatively low-cost. I bought the bulb for my headlight yesterday, and I also went to the Asian grocery store... needless to say, we'll be eating a lot of Japanese food this week. Still have to go to the American grocery store, because I need to get stocked up on veggies!
Healthy eating is coming along well still. Slipped up a bit yesterday at breakfast. BF and I usually go out for breakfast on fridays, and I gorge myself on biscuits and gravy. Thinking I would save the calories, we went to Panera and I got an egg soufle. 540 calories! I'm glad I decided on tea instead of coffee... certainly didn't need that creamer!
Other than that, I made a Thai Massaman Curried Sweet Potato Soup last night for dinner. Whereas it may not be the healthiest thing in the world, it's not *too* bad. The only ingredients:
*Massaman Curry Paste
*The tiniest bit of olive oil
*A can of coconut milk (this is where all the fat is)
*A can of low-fat chicken broth
*Fresh Ginger
*A bag of sweet potatoes, with skins
So like I said, the coconut milk is where all the fat is in the soup, but that's pretty much it. Certainly not a balanced meal, as there is no real protein source-- but my goodness is it delicious! For anyone that likes Thai curry, it's definitely a winner.
Tonight I have 2 parties to go to. One for my mom's BF, and the other for my best friend from high school. Wont be bringing anything, except maybe a six-pack, which we already have.
So that's it! Now I just have to get some work done...
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August 31st, 2010 at 01:24 pm
So keeping up with the theme, August was the month of many good financial things-- my big Army windfall helped out a lot with all this, but it was much overdue.
Today's big news, as you can tell, is that my credit card is PAID OFF. I made the payment just a few minutes ago. I'm worried that the interest may still be charged, because it takes a couple days to process the payment and it's the 31st. Regardless, I still count it a win as it is a big fat zero in my spreadsheet!
So what now? As you can see on my sidebar, there are only 2 longer term financial goals listed... save up for vacation money (as the plane ticket money is already in my account), and pay off my student loans. That will be the big one, for sure.
I also want to start an emergency fund after my vacation money is saved up (which hopefully wont take too long, esp considering I wont be making CC payments anymore).
I feel so much more financially stable than I did earlier this year. I've completed a number of goals for the year, and I'm super pumped about that. It feels like things are really coming together, and I feel a bit more financially responsible. It's a really good feeling.
Next? Once the payment goes through, I want to check my credit score It's been a while, and I can only imagine that paying it off improved it, which was the goal. I'll be crossing my fingers!
Alrighty, time to get moving! Class soon!
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August 27th, 2010 at 08:59 pm
Well, went and looked at that snazzy 2001 Toyota corolla... and bought it. It was exactly what I was looking for, and handles great. Ran me less than expected-- $5300 out the door, and with less than 100k miles. And it's a manual
So I have a set of wheels, and just set up insurance with Geico. They did me well before and have discounts that applied. So I even got full coverage (mind you, with a $500 deductible), but for only $65/month. Not bad.
I've updated my sidebar... I have the money to pay for a plane ticket (and will be doing so within a couple weeks), so my savings for now is for actual money to be spent on Vacation. Woot. I put a $500 payment on my CC and I'm down to $764.20. I'll get that reimbursement check from the university today, deposit it tomorrow, and pay off the balance next week. Wooooo hoooooo!!!! Everything not spent on the CC will be put into savings, naturally
So very exciting to be in this great financial place. Today not much going on, except we need to get stuff for the kitty that is coming home sunday. I'm veeery excited about this, and cant wait to get the apartment all set up. Tonight is board game night with friends. Good times all around. So more spending will commence here in a bit, but nothing too crazy. Groceries need to be bought, and cat stuff. woot.
Just wanted to share my excitement. I would post pics, but my battery charger has been at camp since my job ended. I'll be picking that up today as well. Yay errands... yay being able to drive myself to said errands! lol.
Later, guys!
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May 14th, 2010 at 02:19 pm
Well, got paid today, so I moved some money around. The first transfer I did was from checkings to savings,and I now have the $1200 goal completed!!! It's nice to know that I (for once) accomplished the savings goal I set out to reach. It feels great. It wasn't only a May goal, but a long(er) term goal,so I feel particularly accomplished.
I also put $300 down on my CC, though I have $500 more to go to reach my May goal, and another $1810 to pay it off. I'd be closer, but I had to charge my plane ticket here. Hopefully I'll be seeing that reimbursement soon. All the paperwork is in.
So that's it for today, kids! I've got to get my certificate, then it's off to the airport for me... goin' back home Can't wait!
Everyone have a good day!
Posted in
May 1st, 2010 at 04:50 pm
Well, as look back at April, I feel really good about myself:
[x] Stay under budget
[ ] Don’t spend any money on clothes
[ ] Don’t use CC at all
[x] Generate $100 in Freelancing Income
[x] $50 max spending w/ BF per week
[x] Keep track of finances all month
[ ] Make Moving Goal ($400 more in Savings)
It looks like I didn't make 3 of my goals here, but when it comes down to it, I did. Well, I did spend a tiny bit of money on clothes when I got here to Arizona... mostly because I didn't pack enough. But it was under $20.
I did in fact use my CC a few times... but only because I had transfers going on I wasn't sure were through and so I didn't want to risk and overdraw. The difference is that I promptly paid that off when the transfers were complete. Also, I charged my plane ticket here to AZ because my unit screwed things up, but I'm getting reimbursed.
My moving goal is another tricky one. I currently have $1150.00 in my savings account-- $50 away from my goal. But you have to keep in mind that I transferred $500 out to my checking to cover any travel costs or expenses while I'm here, and that will be paid back once I get my first army paycheck out here. So I really went above my goal in reality.
To look at April professionally, quite a few things happened. I lost hours at my job, but I've picked up the cash doing more freelancing work-- which is going great! I nailed a few more permanent gigs, that are progressing nicely, and I've developed my own professional brand a bit more by getting out my website and printing some business cards. Here were my totals for freelancing in April:
Freelancing Revenue: $424
Freelancing Expenses: $18.98
April's Profit: $405.02!!!
This is well beyond my $100 goal
It's nice to see that my hard work is paying off... I just picked up another gig this past week. It's just getting better and better.
Now for May Goals:
[ ] Stay under budget
[ ] Don't spend $ on clothes
[ ] Don't use CC at all
[ ] Generate $500 in freelancing income
[ ] $50 max spending w/ BF per week
[ ] Keep track of finances all month long
[ ] Make savings goal (only $50 more)
[ ] Pay $800 on CC
Every one of those goals is do-able, and I'm excited to see if I can meet the challenge (and go above and beyond!)... I know I can if I work hard enough.
This summer is going to be really exciting for me. I'm very much looking forward to moving out of my roomate's house and into my own apt come July 1. So for the next couple months, I'll be working hard to pay off my CC, and looking for new places to live I'm $50 away from my savings goal-- that $1200 is for security deposit, first month's rent, starting a container garden (mostly herbs and a few veggies), redoing my couch (couch cover and fabric to sew new pillow covers), paint and gloss finish for my table (another project), and possibly a new desk. Any extra will be put aside for emergencies or added to the start of my next savings goal: vacation. I'll start attacking that one after I pay off the CC.
And hopefully (crossing my fingers), I'll get paid my enlistment bonus, so I can buy a car. I haven't decided if I'm going to buy one now, or wait til closer to the fall. I'd really like to take advantage of the nice weather to ride my bike as transportation, and save money on insurance and gas for a couple months. I work from home, and gotten along just fine for a while. We'll see what happens, I guess!
I'll stop now, as this has gotten entirely too long, and I have much work to get done this weekend! I hope everyone enjoys thier saturday and welcomes May as happily as I do Peace.
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The Budget
April 29th, 2010 at 02:23 pm
No, not the lottery, but I hit the $1000 mark in my savings account... needless to say, this is really exciting for me. I dont think I've EVER had that much in savings at any given time. Only $200 more to get to my goal for moving expenses.
It's funny, too, because the place I think I want to move into only has a $99 security deposit. Considering split rent, that could mean I only really spend about $400 in the first month. Extra money is great That will give me a bit of a buffer for a few months.
In other good news, I just finished designing and released my VERY OWN WEBSITE! Check it out if you like and let me know what you think:
Text is www.TaraSturm.com and Link is http://www.tarasturm.com www.TaraSturm.com
The last bit of good news is that this site I'm mildly involved in may hire me on as a contributor, and I love the site. It'll be a great location for future work. I love seeing progress!
Between the business cards, the website, and new gigs popping up left and right, I feel like I've done pretty good this month in building up my freelancing career. Let's keep it coming... hehe.
Other than that, no big news. Just going to classes and working. Trying to make that money! I'm excited for May... not only do I anticipate some great financial strides, but it's my Birthday at the end of the month. Big 24, I'll be camping. I cant wait.
I'll end it here, and hope you all have a wonderful day
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Daily Little Blurbs,
April 28th, 2010 at 01:47 pm
Yesterday I built my May spreadsheet in anticipation of May... which is surprisingly this weekend... lol.
It seems my estimates for April were off a bit, but I can adjust my expected income for May accordingly. I've reached just about every goal-- except for making my moving goal. Well, sort of. I had to pull $500 from my savings for the trip to AZ, and I've since replaced it (without reimbursement or payment from the Army, mind you), but I have not reached the target amount yet. The good news, though, is that I have just under $300 left to add. I'll have it in there (hopefully) by the second week in May.
Speaking of goals, my freelancing goal was $100 and to date I have made $424 this month in freelancing income. That doesn't count the other social networking gig on the side. Just purely writing. How freaking awesome is that?!? That's a huge jump from March's $75... lol. Consequently, I'm setting my May goal to $500, but budgeting $400 to be on the safe side. I may budget more like $350 on the safe side, actually.
This is all so very exciting. I just have to keep working hard... and putting my income where it needs to go. That being said, I think I'm staying on base this weekend. I was going to hike, but I think my time could be even better spent by the pool I have some reading I wanted to get done anyway!
It's off to PT for me now, I hope you all have a wonderful day!
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Daily Little Blurbs,
April 12th, 2010 at 09:29 pm
Well, I leave for AZ in a week, and things are getting hectic. I have a lot to accomplish before I leave, and not a whole lot of time to get it all done. This of course includes an exam and a final (that I have yet read ahead to learn the material it is covering). I also need to pack, run a crapload of errands, and keep up with a busy (and growing) freelancing workload.
Best part? National city is switching over to PNC this week in my area. Happy day, more inconvenience.
Well, that's not the best part. I guess the fact that I fly out in less than a week, and still have no idea where I'm going once I hit the airport is worse, but hopefully that will be remedied prior to my departure :/
All that being said, things are going okay financially. As previously mentioned, my freelancing workload has increased, and with it so has the income. I'm up to $243.27 in freelancing income for the month, which astounds me and puts me way over my $100 goal for the month. Especially considering I've picked up about $100 worth of work today. It's going to be a good month for me in that respect Just think, the month is only half done!
It seems all the foundational work and research I did last month is really paying off. It makes me incredibly excited to see where everything goes. Oh, and I got my fancy new businesscards in the mail It makes me feel all too professional. It's almost like I'm a real writer! lol.
Here are a couple articles I published recently:
Text is The Best Summer Beers with Fruit Flavor and Link is http://bit.ly/9qP64I The Best Summer Beers with Fruit Flavor
Text is Why Earrings are my Must-Have Fashion Accessory and Link is http://bit.ly/ar8sno Why Earrings are my Must-Have Fashion Accessory
Text is Ranch Dressing: Misunderstood condiment or potential for gourmet? and Link is http://bit.ly/99DhCd Ranch Dressing: Misunderstood condiment or potential for gou...
In other financial news, BF's b-day was this past weekend, so it was obviously a spendy time. I still haven't exceeded my entertainment budget for the month, but I'm already over on groceries... I'm hoping it'll all even out in the end. I really dont think I'm going to make my budget for the month, but my income I believe is going to be more than expected.
At any rate, I better get back to work! So much to do!
Posted in
Daily Little Blurbs,
April 6th, 2010 at 10:41 pm
So, it's only April 6th, and I've already hit my goal to generate $100 in freelancing income. As of right now, I've made $146.79!!! Can you believe that?? I'm so excited Not sure I can keep that dollar amount up EVERY week, but it's a hell of a goal! It's just super exciting given that I only made $75 for the entirety of last month's freelance revenue. I love reaching goals...
Actually, reaching this goal is entirely appropriate for today's Daily Haiku Poem:
Text is Getting There and Link is http://bit.ly/clohrd Getting There
I published one other piece today:
Text is Advice for the New Student at the University of Akron and Link is http://bit.ly/aTDffE Advice for the New Student at the University of Akron
Obviously reaching this goal will get me closer to reaching the rest It's these other goals that really keep me motivated to keep writing and getting my name out there. It feels so great to see the kind of progress I'm making-- not only because of the numbers, but because I have people approaching me to write for them. It makes me feel so proud of myself. I've been workin my bum off... I like knowing it's actually paying off.
Along with that great piece of news, it is absolutely GORGEOUS outside. Nothin like working all day with the warm breeze blowing through the screen door. I absolutely love it.
Welp, I hope everyone is well, and experiencing as wonderful weather as I am! Have a great day everyone.
Posted in
Daily Little Blurbs,
April 1st, 2010 at 01:46 pm
As I love fresh starts, I am opening my arms to April and extending it a warm welcome
It's been a highly productive week, only to continue so. The weather is supposed to be gorgeous all through the weekend, and I'm rather elated about this.
In other news, I got an offer yesterday to do some freelance blog writing for a local advertising agency. I'm super stoked, and all set to start writing. Best part? It's all about food in my area! I was sitting on campus yesterday, totally amazed. I've always wanted to be a food writer, and even though my work has not appeared in any major magazines, local or otherwise, I am in some ways living out that dream. It's really satisfying to think about.
I have written a few articles recently. Here are a couple I published today:
Text is How To Set an Allowance for your Child and Link is http://bit.ly/d6hcUh How To Set an Allowance for your Child
Text is Best restaurants in Akron, Ohio for a Graduation Dinner and Link is http://bit.ly/9eojEZ Best restaurants in Akron, Ohio for a Graduation Dinner
Text is Daily Haiku: We've Come so Far and Link is http://bit.ly/bU3PBN Daily Haiku: We've Come so Far
I've picked up a couple other freelance gigs in the last week, and it seems I'm going to be a very busy girl. But hey, what else is new?
I love the feeling of being busy and doing what I love. Busy I can deal with.
That being said, I posted my April goals in the sidebar, and I look forward to achieving them. Happy April, everyone, and have a wonderful day!
Posted in
Daily Little Blurbs,
March 30th, 2010 at 02:26 pm
It's only tuesday, and it's already a productive week I love it! Wrote a few articles yesterday. I also conducted a couple interviews via phone for an article I'll be writing here in the next few days. This freelancing gig is treating me relatively well these days. Let's hope it keeps up!
Published a few articles within the last couple days:
Text is Inexpensive Ways to Spend Time with Your Kids and Link is http://bit.ly/aWcfBS Inexpensive Ways to Spend Time with Your Kids
Text is Guide to Cleaning Grout: Make your life less stressful and Link is http://bit.ly/d6lqGR Guide to Cleaning Grout: Make your life less stressful
Text is Daily Haiku: An Ode to the Writer and Link is http://bit.ly/arrv2E Daily Haiku: An Ode to the Writer
I also put together the budget for April, and I'm well on the way to a good month, I think. I have good feelings about it...
It's certainly going to be an even busier week than it already has been, with all the writing on my plate, school stuff, and a holiday weekend (not only Easter, but my roomie's cousin from England coming to town-- it's going to be a regular drinkfest).
I'm trying to keep the spending down this week considering what a pricey weekend it was. I think I'll be able to manage, however. It seems I tend to get into the bit spending when it comes to restaurants... go figure
Well, it's back to work for me. I hope everyone has a fabulous Tuesday!
Posted in
Daily Little Blurbs,
March 26th, 2010 at 04:02 pm
Here it is! The weekend is upon us! Very exciting, as I have quite a bit planned. Tonight going swimming at the rec with the BF. We're staying the night at his place, and driving to Columbus tomorrow afternoon to go see the Crew game (woo!). Hopefully the weather will be nicer there than it is here... snow?? Bleh...
I published a couple more on AC:
Text is Daily Haiku Poem: Ohio Spring and Link is http://bit.ly/90KqzS Daily Haiku Poem: Ohio Spring
Text is Games that Strengthen Mental Acuity and Link is http://bit.ly/dzFfut Games that Strengthen Mental Acuity
Got another lead for a freelance job... so that's again good news I'm calling him today.
Other than that, no real news. Just a packed schedule! I did put more $ into my savings account yesterday-- more revenue from writing. I'm now up to $74 in articles this month, and $796.77 in my savings! I feel I'm making excellent progress
Mom got into quite a predicament changing jobs, and now has none... so that sucks, and I'm sure will be a big stress on her. I'm hoping things will pan out and I'm keeping an eye out for her. Said she has an interview tuesday, so I'm crossing my fingers.
Not sure what I'm going to do as far as the budget goes this week... it's one of those funky months where the last week half falls in the next month. So I'm not sure if I'm going to just stick it out through the 31st, or if I'm just going to start April's budget this week. I have about $2 left in the grocery budget, so there's no way I would stick to it this way.
At any rate, I hope everyone has a wonderful day and weekend
Posted in
Daily Little Blurbs,
The Budget
March 24th, 2010 at 05:07 pm
Well, all sorts of news abounds in the Freelance writing world! I managed to network with another freelancer in my area, and she gave me some insight to other places to publish and find work. I found one gig that pays significantly more, and is more of a one time thing It seems this can be even more lucrative than it already is!
So next month I'll dabble even more into this whole freelance writing gig. I did publish a couple articles on AC today:
Text is Daily Haiku Poem: Ping Pong and Link is http://bit.ly/bxl4M6 Daily Haiku Poem: Ping Pong
Text is Top 10 Songs by Radiohead and Link is http://bit.ly/b0FiXZ Top 10 Songs by Radiohead
Things are coming along nicely! Other than working, writing, and all that jazz, I'm hitting up the Rec with a friend of mine after work today, which will be a good time and get me some exercise in for the day
Packed lunch for BF and myself today, so I wont be spending any money on that. Yay for cheap!
I hope everyone is having a wonderful day and enjoying the sunshine if they have it (we do-- so exciting)! Later guys!
Posted in
Daily Little Blurbs,
March 23rd, 2010 at 04:09 pm
So yesterday I managed to hit a yoga class AND swim laps at the pool after work-- which was much harder than expected. Who knew swimming laps would be so much harder than floating around the lazy river?
Consequently, I'm feeling pretty sore today! It's a good feeling... makes me feel like I actually did something. lol.
Today has been pretty ho-hum. Woke up entirely too early to get my day started. Wrote an article and submitted. By the time I finished, it was about time to work! So that's what I've been doing!
Only published a couple articles as of yesterday:
Text is Daily Haiku Poem: Love in Spring and Link is http://bit.ly/9kE3SL Daily Haiku Poem: Love in Spring
Text is How to find a tree service you can trust and Link is http://bit.ly/cB6Pvo How to find a tree service you can trust
Hopefully I'll publish a couple more in the next few days
I did get an offer to submit a much higher value article... about Cleveland. I wish I had a bit more experience with the city (I'm in Akron), but I'm certainly willing to take a trip up there to do some research! The article is $50... which is much higher than my usual $2-4. lol. We'll see if I have time...
It's such a nice feeling... every time I publish an article I get a bit closer to my goals. I do so love achieving those goals!
Alrighty, back to work. Hope everyone has a great day!
Posted in
Daily Little Blurbs,
March 21st, 2010 at 10:37 pm
Well, I'm done playing army for the weekend! Whew! Now back to the grind. Got a bit of homework done, but there is much more to go... it's going to be a long night, and an even longer week.
In good news, however, I hit $50 income in article writing for the month And still more yet to come... very exciting! Here are the 2 articles that put me over the top:
Text is Hook, Line, and Drinkers: Excellent Bar and Restaurant in Akron, Ohio and Link is http://bit.ly/9iBQQm Hook, Line, and Drinkers: Excellent Bar and Restaurant in Ak...
Text is Welcome to the Music Industry- A beginners Guide to Independent Music Promotion and Link is http://bit.ly/b54g5p Welcome to the Music Industry- A beginners Guide to Independ...
I went grocery shopping, and I'm still under budget for the month. I only spent $23.51- because I have so much left over from last week. I basically bought stuff for lunches over the week. And stuff for dinner last night. Very nice.
Hopefully we'll keep up the low-spending trend. If I do through this week, I will be under budget for the first time really EVER. lol. Crossing my fingers...
Hope everyone had a good weekend, and has an equally good week! Later, all
Posted in
Daily Little Blurbs,
March 19th, 2010 at 03:23 pm
Well, it is yet again another beautiful day... and it's FRIDAY-- which happens to be the topic of today's daily haiku:
Text is Friday Haiku and Link is http://bit.ly/9arNYL Friday Haiku
Today is also payday, so I did a little money managing... namely to put another $100 in my savings account. That makes $756.43 total, and only $443.60 to go to make my goal of $1200! This is going to be used to pay first month's rent/safety deposit when I move out either June or July. I cant believe I'm so close already! I absolutely love reaching goals.
This weekend is drill, so I will likely not be spending too much money... though it's my roomie's b-day today, so I'll be going out to dinner with friends tonight. Sushi... Mmmm...
Regardless, I cant believe spring break is almost over I feel like I got a lot accomplished as far as writing goes, but not nearly enough school work done... ah well. That just means I have to work harder over the next month.
Here are some articles I published yesterday. Hope you enjoy
Text is Gender Roles in Disney's New Alice in Wonderland and Link is http://bit.ly/91Tb4f Gender Roles in Disney's New Alice in Wonderland
Text is Is Music Mastering Important? and Link is http://bit.ly/b7fO4D Is Music Mastering Important?
I've been funneling the revenue I recieve from my articles right into that savings account, so reading is for a good cause lol. I dont really make much on page views, as I dont get nearly enough to make anything substantial. But I appreciate anyone who takes the time to read anything I post. You guys are great!
Hope everyone has a great day!
Posted in
Daily Little Blurbs,
March 17th, 2010 at 03:34 pm
Not sure the 2 are related, but ya know lol. It is indeed St. Patrick's day. What are my plans? Nada. Going to the park to kick around a soccer ball with BF after work (it's absolutely gorgeous outside). We're also going to the Rec center on campus. And very likely making dinner at my house. Because I spent quite a bit on groceries yesterday... $46.72, which I guess isn't terrible, though I got a few unecessaries (a bag of reese's cups and Starbucks Java Chip icecream. Mmm). This is why you should never go grocery shopping hungry! lol.
Regardless, working and writing today. I did my daily Haiku poem on St. Patty's Day Take a look if you'd like!
Text is Happy St. Patrick's Day and Link is http://bit.ly/aQ8tI3 Happy St. Patrick's Day
Everyone be safe and have fun!
Posted in
Daily Little Blurbs,
March 16th, 2010 at 05:08 pm
So I'm plugging away at my goals. Wrote my 12th article this month yesterday I'm trying to surpass it by quite a bit. Published a few new articles within the last couple days:
Text is Teen Love: Giving Healthy Relationship Advice to your Children and Link is http://bit.ly/cIAdp2 Teen Love: Giving Healthy Relationship Advice to your Childr...
Text is Best Bikini Swimsuits for 2010 and Link is http://bit.ly/cDg7ZI Best Bikini Swimsuits for 2010
Text is New Super Mario Bros. Wii: In the Bubble and Out of the Time Warp and Link is http://bit.ly/bjCeVf New Super Mario Bros. Wii: In the Bubble and Out of the Time...
And my daily haiku for tuesday
Text is Haiku: Inspiration and Link is http://bit.ly/9VTA8h Haiku: Inspiration
Other than that, I'm just enjoying a rather inexpensive spring break. I spent a lot of time last night writing-- working towards those goals of mine. I'm trying to funnel all of the income I get from writing into my savings account... which put me up another $16 yesterday. I'm hoping make a bit more before the close of the month.
That's about it! I'm going grocery shopping either tonight or tomorrow (likely tomorrow). Tonight there's a free yoga class I'm going to drag BF to. That should be a lot of fun
Either way, I hope you all have a great day and I'll post again soon!
Posted in
Daily Little Blurbs,
March 15th, 2010 at 02:55 pm
I know, I'm the only one that likes mondays. I love the idea of a fresh start... and I've got some lofty goals for this week.
I wrote my daily haiku poem about mondays, actually. If you want, you can read it Text is here and Link is http://bit.ly/aJs9rn here.
Financially, just trying to keep up with these articles, and promotion of them. I'm 2 articles away from my goal for the month. But it's looking like I'm going to surpass my goal and then some
I'm going to the rec center on campus after work. That's a free activity, and great for me I'm also going with a friend, so it's a social activity as well.
Sometime within the next couple days I have to hit the grocery store, though I have some stuff left over from last week, so it shouldn't be too hard a hit on the wallet.
That's about it for today. Things are going well. I hope that's the case for all of you as well
Posted in
Daily Little Blurbs,
March 12th, 2010 at 12:59 pm
So a few goals have been met...
Got my tax refund today and immediately paid my tuition, so that's one debt gone! From now on, it's saving up for moving and paying off the CC. It's going to be a strong campaign, so let's hope it goes well
In other goal-reaching news, I put added $20 to my budget for article-writing revenue this month, and I surpassed it yesterday. I'm not even halfway through the month, so that's great I've published a couple in the last few days. Here are some links if you wanna check them out:
Text is Easy and Delicious Camping Recipes and Link is http://bit.ly/czQnUp Easy and Delicious Camping Recipes
Text is The Best Beer is Microbrewed: America's Top Eleven Breweries and Link is http://bit.ly/c8XjtZ The Best Beer is Microbrewed: America's Top Eleven Breweries
I haven't quite hit my goal for 12 articles, per se, but I'm getting there. I believe I'm at 9 currently. So just a few more I'm working on my networking and exposure as well-- as the more views I get, the more I make also.
Today I'm going to lunch with my boss, which will be nice. I haven't seen him in months. Then after work I've got a busy, yet enjoyable night ahead of me. Going to the rec center on campus first with BF, we're going to utilize the free swimming pool. Then we're going to make dinner together, and finally go see Alice I love date nights, and it shouldn't be too expensive given we're cooking at home. Love it!
What a fabulous day for achieving goals! Hope everyone is being equally as productive!
Posted in
Daily Little Blurbs,
March 9th, 2010 at 03:27 pm
Well, vacation came and went. I very much wish it would have been longer, but it's back to the real world now...
Great news about vacation (other than it being warm and very fun): I budgeted $75, and only spent $23 The family totally spoiled me. But that means $52 more towards savings. I'll be adding that as soon as I deposit the cash I've got on hand.
Three more of my articles got accepted:
Text is Dr. Seuss gives us hope for racial equality: The Sneetches and Link is http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/2753791/dr_seuss_gives_us_hope_for_racial_equality.html?cat=38 Dr. Seuss gives us hope for racial equality: The Sneetches
* Text is Surviving Bootcamp: What to Expect and Link is http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/2754191/surviving_boot_camp_what_to_expect.html?cat=31 Surviving Bootcamp: What to Expect
* Text is Top 10 Restaurants in Akron, Ohio and Link is http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/2756997/the_top_ten_restaurants_in_akron_ohio.html?cat=22 Top 10 Restaurants in Akron, Ohio
So all together it added up to be $9.65. Hopefully I'll get a decent number of page views! Regardless, every little bit helps. I need to keep writing, though!
I'm supposed to get my tax return friday. Let's cross our fingers! Then the tuition will be paid off. All bills except that one are paid for this month. Woot.
As for today's plans, I'm working, and I'll probably run for a bit on lunch. I need to start getting in shape again. Then after work I'm gonna walk down to the bank and make that deposit. Do homework, then class tonight. Busy busy. I cant believe it's already tuesday. I love 4-day weeks!
In other good news, the SUN IS SHINING. So happy to come home to warmer weather Hope everyone is having a wonderful week!
Posted in
Daily Little Blurbs,
The Budget,
March 3rd, 2010 at 06:05 pm
Alrighty, wrote another article today,which brings me up to 4 this month That goal is moving along nicely. At this rate, I'll have it covered in 3 weeks! Good stuff... though they did decline one of my articles I wrote last week. It was too specific, wouldn't get enough traffic. I have, however, been reading up on SEO a little more. Both for my article writing and for work (that's what I do at work as well, it's just more specialized and the sites I submit to don't pay). So either way, it's good research to do.
Oh! Here's a link to the article that they accepted earlier this week:
Text is "Be Yourself": Sometimes the Oldest Relationship Advice is the Best and Link is http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/2733835/be_yourself_sometimes_the_oldest_relationship.html?cat=41 "Be Yourself": Sometimes the Oldest Relationship Advice is t...
As for today, going over to my boss' house to clean. So that'll be a little extra income... even though I'm going to have to cut my workday short :/ I wish he would have had the water turned on Sunday when I went over there... would have avoided this mess. Ah well.
Time constraints as is, I'm going to have to work quickly-- as I have a meeting to complete my intercollege transfer at 5:30, then class. Busy busy busy as usual.
I'm so excited for vacation this weekend. It's so close! I cant wait for the sunshine
Okay. Off to do more work. Everyone have a great night!
Posted in
Daily Little Blurbs,
March 2nd, 2010 at 03:52 pm
So my car is in fact SOLD! And gone, for that matter. lol. I ended up selling it for $500 cash, which is 100 less than I listed it, but 200 more than I would get for it scrap. Not only that, but he did pay cash, and he did come with a trailer to take it away, which basically lifts a weight off my shoulders. It's done.
I lost quite a bit of money on this car, but the fact of the matter is that I got probably the most I could get out of it, and I cant turn back time. One more thing to tick off the list.
In other news, went grocery shopping yesterday. Managed to spend only $25.25. I budgeted $150 for the entire month. That puts me $12.25 under my weekly budget. And I'm pretty sure I'm not going to use everything I bought this week, as I'm going on vacation friday. BUT I am going to eat the highly perishables first.
It's looking like today is going to be a no-spend day Love it. I'm keeping tally of all the days I eat at home and dont eat out (like Wild Blue Yonder's challenge last month). We'll see how many points I can get! Vacation this weekend is going to make it difficult, but we'll see what happens.
I only budgeted $75 for the weekend. I'm hoping I'll be able to make that. I'm only going to take a carry on and purse, so I shouldn't spend any money on baggage. Really, all I'm worried about is food, and dad will likely cover the majority of that. Should be okay.
It feels nice to be in a good place financially, I'm not gonna lie. But I have to keep in mind that even though I have more than enough money to cover my bills this month that I still have quite a bit of saving to do, and debt to pay off. I feel like I'm going to accomplish a lot of goals here in the next few months, though. It feels really nice
Regardless, I hope everyone has a wonderful day.
Posted in
Daily Little Blurbs,
March 1st, 2010 at 07:59 pm
Alright... so I paid off my laptop today And rent. And put up an ad on craigslist for my not-running car... very good. The highest offer I've gotten for scrap is $300. I posted up the ad asking $600, and I've already gotten 5 emails about it. So there's a good chance I'll be able to get what I originally wanted! Woo! I have one person coming to look at it in the morning.
In other news, signed my new card up for National City Points, AND an article got accepted. $3.21. It's been a good financial day
Going grocery shopping here in a few, and that should be really low-key. As I'm going on vacation friday morning, I'll only really need groceries for the next 3 days. So just a few of the basics. It's looking like it's going to be a lot of salads... lol. I'm also going to make sure to get some granola bars for the days I go to campus early. This way I'm not tempted by the vending machines. I'm sure I'll have some of those left over for next week as well.
So it's been a good financial day After grocery shopping it's off to campus for me. Homework, class, then BF is giving me a ride home
Posted in
Daily Little Blurbs,
February 28th, 2010 at 08:12 pm
[x] Dont use my CC
[x] Pay off $200 on CC
[x] Keep track of finances all month
[ ] Write at least 3 articles per week ll
[x] Minimal entertainment spending.
[x] $50 max spending per week when BF and I are together.
So I accomplished every one of my Feb goals except writing at least 3 articles per week. That's one I can work on more in March. As for being under budget... I didn't have a formal Feb budget set out, but my spending was as follows:
Entertainment: $123.77 (but that includes both my mom's b-day and valentine's day)
Misc: $170.28 (It is only this high because I ended up paying $130 to replace the lens in my glasses)
Groceries: $126.30
Food On Campus: $6.80
Gas: $28.43
All the rest are fixed amounts. Not really too bad. I went through my accounts to see if there is anything I regretted spending the money on, and I came up with nothing. I guess breaking my glasses was incredibly dumb, but aside from that I have no regrets whatsoever.
I hope that March goes as well (actually, better) than Feb did. My goals for this month are as follows:
*Stay under budget
*Don’t spend any money on clothes
*Pay off laptop
*Pay off tuition
*Don’t use CC at all
*Write at least 3 articles per week
*$50 max spending w/ BF per week
*Keep track of finances all month
*Put at least $500 in savings
and my budget is as follows:
Rent $200.00
Car Insurance $0.00
Phone $55.00
Meds (3 months worth) $36.00
Groceries $150.00
Clothes $0.00
Transportation $30.00
Car Repairs $0.00
Entertainment $100.00
School Exp $0.00
Florida Trip $75.00
FOC $0.00
Yoga $10.00
Misc $20.00
CC Payments $200.00
I'll have quite a few sources of additional income this month, so I should in effect not only be able to put $500 in my savings account, but also make a hefty payment on my CC. I know this is a REALLY strict budget, but I think if I stick to my guns I'll be able to manage it alright. I just have to utilize the willpower. lol.
This weekend I didn't spend *too* much. Mostly food... which I guess could have been avoided, but oh well. Stopped at the grocery store to buy the remainder of the ingredients needed for my sweet potato soup, and that ran me about $6, but I also have leftovers... that I'm eating for dinner tonight
Talked to BF today a little bit about money, and he made the comment that he thinks I care about money more than he does.. but also acknowledged that I have a bit more to worry about as well.
It's kind of sad, really. I dont want to care this much about money because I'm not terribly materialistic, and I dont worry about money so much because I want to lead an extravagant life... really, my debt is the only thing that really makes me worry about it so much. The sad thing is that 97% of my debt is due to schooling costs... Not to say that I couldn't have made some smarter choices, but I have a lot of debt that is due to just wanting to go to school and living a pretty low key life.
I explained what really stresses me out is that the possibility of us getting married in the next 5 years or so is pretty high, and I certainly dont want to bring a boatload of debt into the equation, especially considering he really has none. So it's definitely something I think and worry about. I'm just happy that I've gotten to a point where I feel a bit more optimistic about things. I know that my goals for this year will be achieved, and that makes me feel really secure.
At any rate, it's time for me to get some homework done. No more spending today! And I think it's going to be minimal this week. Of course, friday I leave for FLORIDA I budgeted $75 for the weekend. I'm hoping dad is going to cover most of my expenses while I'm there, but I'd much rather over-prepare than under-prepare.
Either way, I'm off. I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!
Posted in
Daily Little Blurbs,
The Budget,